35. Shots Fired

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Unknown P.O.V

"That's not good enough! He will kill you without thinking twice!" I yelled at the new trainee, I sighed as I watched her fail miserably. "That's it for today." I called out as everyone went out the door.

I can't make master see me like this, I always try my best to help out when I can but if he ever sees me weak again he'll whip me until I can't move my body.

I never understood life, I don't know how I ended up with this life, I have to be strong in front of Ambrogio, I shall never show weakness nor mercy I can never.

I walked out heading for the kitchen as I got there I saw Raina and I smiled softly at her, "I heard you got the new trainees." She said as she made a funny face and I couldn't help but to laugh. "You heard right." I said rolling my eyes.

Raina was like a sister to me, she's the only one I could ever talk to really, I remembered how we first met and couldn't help but to laugh again, she had a man down on his knees only in his underwear begging her not to kill him, of course he cheated on her and deserved a good beating but instead she made him leave the house with nothing on, it was hilarious because she was the one that drove him.

"You're the only one that can really teach them and you know that." She said taking a bite out of her apple, "But I don't like it and he knows that." I whined as she sighed. "I-"

"Captain wants you in his study right now." One of the men came up to me saying, "Good luck hun." Raina said smiling, I glared at her and made my way to his study, I nervously bit my lips rethinking everything I did for the week, I don't think there was any mistakes made, so I couldn't be punished right?

I knocked on his door as I heard "Come in." I turned the nob and made my way in. "Sweetheart." He said as a smile made its way on his lips, I couldn't help it, I sighed in relief and I nodded my head with a smile of my own.

I noticed a woman standing in front of his desk in her own little world, I never saw this woman before and a confused look made its way on my face, Ambrogio noticed it and grinned from ear to ear.

As the woman was about to open her mouth to say something Ambrogio stopped her. "We have a lot to discuss."

Nathaniel P.O.V

Today is the day, I have been waiting so long, too long for this special day and it was finally here. Everything was planned, he was walking right into my trap, only God knows how many emotions were running through me right now.

It was all a set up, waiting for Ambrogio! Today he is suppose to be making a big deal but little does he know I sabotaged the whole thing, while the deal is being made-

"Nathan." I was pulled out of my thoughts and with a groan I looked at Catherine, "What is she doing here?" She asked pointing at Jennifer. Oh sweet sweet Jennifer, wasn't so sweet anymore, something killed this lady, looked like she was a few hours from dying and with a roll of my eyes I made long strides towards her, my face hard as a rock.

"Why. Are. You. Here?" I gritted out losing my temper, this lady, if only she agreed to tell Cataleya, maybe just fu*king maybe, my world would've still been here, the hatred I had for this woman was noticed and she felt it.

"I- um-" she stuttered and damn I was annoyed "Speak woman!" I yelled all my patience was gone and my men knew it as one made his way to get her she finally spoke up.

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