33. The offer

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Unknown POV

I felt so lost in thoughts I didn't see the young lady infront of me with a worried expression, "Sorry, what did you say?" I asked honestly but felt bad for lack of attention.

"I said to move your ass out of my way!" She said annoyed as I looked around seeing I was blocking her from passing, I sighed as I moved aside letting her pass as she let out an annoyed sound.

I walked home since it wasn't that far and made my way inside, I unlocked the door and tried to open it but it was stuck, I sighed for the hundredth time and pushed it with all my strength and it flew open almost causing me to fall face flat.

I turned around as I locked it back, turning all the five locks I had on it, I dropped my bag down and made my way to the light switch, I flipped it as I walked into the kitchen opening the fridge to see a almost empty milk box and some apples.

Again I sighed heavily and grabbed the milk, opening it in the smell of it almost threw me down, I looked at the date on it and sighed seeing it was expired, I hesitated on drinking it but changed my mind as I was going to throw it away as a voice boomed through the once silent room.

I jumped as the milk fell out of my hands and causing me to look and there he was, that satisfied him, seeing that he feed on fear he smirked as he made his way towards me causing me to step back slowly.

I was terrified, I was hiding from this specific man, this man was the cause of this all, and because of me, I thought I was special to him but I wasn't, I was just his ears and inside help.

He used me, toyed with my feelings, because of him I have no one left, I was broken because of this man, everytime I close my eyes to sleep, I see his face, every feature of it.

The long scar he had made him more scary, he scanned my face and it gave him all the energy he needed.

I then froze, I didn't know if I should run or get down on my knees and beg for his forgiveness, he could kill me right now and no one would ever know I was gone, I closed my eyes as I let out a shakey breath.

With that I finally opened my mouth and the first thing that came out was his name "Ambrogio." As I said his name he relaxed and let out a breath of his own.

He laughed and he stood there like the devil himself, he was the devil, my nightmare, I feared this man but there was hatred to.

"Missed me?" He said as he fakely wiped a tear from laughing, it annoyed me, he knew exactly what he was doing, he saw the change in my face and yelled the question this time "Did you miss me?!" I flinched as I shook my head, I probably stood there look like a crazy woman.

"Of course you did my dear, did you think I forgot about you? Because I didn't, I just wanted to give you some space since you know." He said normally as he picked up the milk and threw it in the garbage.

"A-A whole year, you promis-" he raised his hand and he hushed me " I promise alot of things, I say whatever I please to whoever, but for you my dear, I did not break that promise, and I would like you to come back to finish this once and for all." He said that so calmly, a tear slipped on my cheek and I started to shake.

I could never dare to tell this man 'no' and I definitely didn't want anything to do with him, I then rethought my plan from earlier and I looked at the door and window as I made a run for the window and in a swift move he caught me by my hair and pulled it hard cause me to fall to the floor.

"I will kidnap you and torture you, I came all this way for you, don't take my kindness for weakness." He said as he pulled out his gun. "Now make a choice, say yes and come back with me, say no and have your brains cover your walls." He said teasingly and I stood up.

I sighed and thought, I was pulled into this a long time ago, why should I reject now, I got so good at what I do I could see why he came back for me.

He did cause this pain and maybe he can be the one to take all if it away, I bit my lip nervously as I looked at the environment I was leaving in, I barely had anything to eat and was always stealing, that wasn't me, I had to stop and this man infront of me right now is offering for it to all go away.

I let out another breath and looked him in his eyes, he was patiently waiting for my answer, I couldn't believe it, I promised myself I would never choose him over anything ever again and now he stood infront of me offering.

I closed my eyes and nodded my head. "I would love to join you again master."


Another chapter done, Stay tuned.

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