29. It's Over

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Cataleya P.O.V

2 weeks later.


It's the bitch birthday today. How great! Shopping with her was so annoying, pretending to like me when she clearly doesn't, how can people be so cruel.

"What's wrong?" Kelana asked as she stalked towards me, "Nothing, I'm fine." I said rubbing it off.

"Cataleya I know somethings wrong, don't keep things away from me, how can we have a friendship when your not telling me things?" She said causing me to give her a bored look.

"I just miss Nathaniel." I said, it wasn't the real reason that I was down, I really did miss him, but I can wait one more week, I can't wait to see him.

"Aww, you two are just... Aww!" She said sweetly as she hugged me.

"Kelana!" I shouted as she flinched, I stood there akwardly, I still don't like the feeling, how can people hug a pregnant woman?

"Sorry" I said as I exhaled, "We should get going." I reminded her.

"Let me get my coat and other stuff." She said weirdly, "Meet me in the car." I said, I was about to turn around "Your driving?" She asked.

"Yes why?" I asked.

"I don't know, I just feel like we should take a ride or something." She said.

I stood there confused, "It's not my birthday, now come on, I don't want to be late." I said walking out.

"Something feels weird" I thought to myself, whatever.


We arrived at the party and I headed straight for the drinks, As I was drinking, I remembered the events from last night.

Last Night.

"I miss you so much, you need to hurry and get back here!" I said excitedly.

"I miss you to baby, I have a huge surprise for you." He said as he smirked causing me to giggle.

"So, remember what you said before?"

Just then I remembered that we both made a bet.

"You gotta go first." I said as I blushed and hid my face.

He chuckled lightly as he rose a brow, "Well, have a good night." I said as I was about to close my laptop.

"Alright!" He said causing me to blush more, he took off his shirt as I blinked multiple times, damn he was fine and he was mine.

"Stop drooling." He teased sending me out of my gaze, "I'm so tired." I said as I faked yawn causing him to laugh.

"I'm not getting out of this, am I ?"

"Nope." He said, I can't believe I'm still shy in front of Nathaniel, a bet is a bet.

I took off my shirt and wrapped my arms around me, for a while I thought that my laptop froze but he just stayed there speechless

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