30. Can't Bring Back The Dead

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Third Person Pov

Everyone was worried, It's been 2 hours since they heard from cataleya, they been calling, Carson even sent two guards to find her but he haven't heard from them since.

"We should call the police or something, we can't just stay here." Kelana said trying to get everyone's attention.

Catherine was in total shock, Carson couldn't think straight, Kelana was scared, Jennifer was confused.

Everyone was in deep thoughts, especially Carson and Catherine, they couldn't believe the events that took place two hours ago. They couldn't wrap their mind around it.

Kelana started getting emotional, she thought of the worse.

They sat there for another half an hour until they decided that they should go to the police station.

They all grabbed their coats and was heading towards the door, As soon as Carson opened the door everyone gasped.

Two officers stood at the front door with their hats off and a sad look, everyone's heart dropped, Kelana and catherine ran upstairs not wanting to hear the bad news.

"Do you mind if we come in?" One of the officers asked in a low voice while the other held his head down.

Carson couldn't believe it, he didn't want to go back through all the pain he couldn't, so he looked on the bright side and gave them a half smile and gestured for them to enter.

"Do you guys want anything?" Carson said trying to sound calm but on the inside he was dying.

"No thanks, we have bad news Mr.Rodriguez, From the team, We are truly sorr-" the officer couldn't continue, his voice broke and he turned to the other officer.

"What? What's wrong!" Carson barked, he was losing his patience.

"Today, your daughter got into a car accident, it was terrible and were sorry to say, sh-she didn'-didn't make it, there was not-

"No! No! She can't be!" Carson interrupted the officer, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, he sat back on the chair as he held his hand over his chest and stared at the ceiling.

The officer stood up and told them they need to go and identify the body, then gave their sympathy and headed out.

Jennifer sat their quietly while Carson murmured things to himself, a while later, Kelana and catherine came back downstairs, Jennifer gave a sad look and shook her head, Kelana ran back upstairs and catherine dropped to her knees.

Everyone stayed there quiet, they couldn't believe it, she was here one second and now she's gone.

Jennifer stood up and headed upstairs to check on kelana, she walked into her room and didn't see her, she then heard someone gaging and she ran to the bathroom.

She held Kelana hair up and rubbed her back, Kelana turned around and cried her eyes out, "She's gone!" She screamed as she squeezed Jennifer arm.

Carson sat up from the chair and fell right back down, he attempted to get backbup, he decided he had to be strong for his family, but he was broken down inside, his only daughter is now dead.


"Were leaving now Amelia." Nathaniel said over the phone annoyed, he was attending the biggest meeting, this meeting is why he even had to leave to Europe.

He walked out of the lobby as his men surrounded him, he dialed cataleya number but didn't get no response.

He put his phone away and turned back to his serious self as he and his men jumped into the suvs and took off.

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