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"Bella!" I heard Madison yell from downstairs. I could hear her footsteps walking on the old wooden staircase, the floor creaking with every step. I bit my lip nervously and slowly got up from my bed and shuffled towards my door to lock it. Before my hand could graze the doorknob, the door swung open.

Madison's giant, skinny frame stood in my doorway, a beer bottle in hand. Her dirty blonde hair was in a ponytail, tied up with what I believe to be a piece of string. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she reeked of alcohol. The smell was suffocating, very suffocating that I had to learn how to hold my breath for a certain amount of time to avoid inhaling that odor.

"What in the hell are you doing?" Her words were slurred, legs wobbly as she tried to keep herself up with my door. I slowly closed my laptop, trying not to draw attention to said item. I didn't want her to see; knowingly, she would say something about what was on the screen if she saw it.

"Nothing." I hastily said but failed at stuttering on my words. Madison took a deep breath and took a step further into my room. She moved to the side, my laptop being her target. As a reflex, I moved with her to block her view. Her dark brown eyes narrowed at me, making a shiver run down my spine.

Time felt like it was going slow as our eyes stared into one another. I tried to figure out her next move; sometimes, I could sense what she would do next just by how her eyebrows were furred or how intense her eyes would look, something I picked up during my time with her.

"Go put that waste of time away and get your lazy butt to the liquor store and buy me my beer and cigarettes!" She yelled, swinging her bottle at me, but I ducked, and the bottle hit the wall. I turned around and faced my wall, looking at the newest addition to my Madison broken bottle wall. This time a piece of the bottle didn't get stuck in the wall. I could see how the purple paint was chipping off because of all the bottles Madison as thrown at it and knew I had to repaint it.

"You got lucky this time." She muttered, throwing her wallet at me and then storming out the door. Madison had been fostering me for as long as you can count, I should be used to her by now, but I'm sick of her every day. Every day she would get drunk and would beat me or harass me for no reason. Sometimes I considered running away or calling the police, but I was always too scared because I know what'd do to me if people found out.

I sighed and grabbed her wallet, pulled on my jacket, tied my shoes, and tried to brush my fingers through my messy brown hair. I quietly walked downstairs, trying not to make a sound. I managed to get past Madison, who was sleeping on the couch with a new beer bottle in hand. I watched her sleeping figure, wondering how someone like me could have ended up with someone like her. Honestly, how is it possible that child services or anyone at least haven't found out what she's been doing and hasn't gotten her arrested? How is it possible that she still can foster kids?

I started thinking about my life if I had ended up with a different family. If I would be living in a nice house with a white picket fence in the front of it, or if I would be living in a big house with many rooms in them. My eyes started to swell up, and a tear escaped my eyes. I wiped it with the back of my hand and took in a deep breath. Looking at her one more time, I made my way to the front door, opened it, and slammed it behind me as I stepped out while also making sure I had the house key in my pocket.

Last time I had forgotten the house key, and Madison forced me to sleep outside in the freezing rain. One nice neighbor let me stay in her house for the time being, but Madison found out and was furious. That was the last time I ever saw the nice lady. Walking down the sidewalk, I shoved my hands into my pockets.

"Mommy look!" I heard a little girl's voice say. I looked over at the little girl who proudly was showing her mom a picture she had drawn. The mother smiled and pulled her child into her lap, kissing her on the head. I cringed; it's been a long time since anyone had taken the time to hug me or congratulate me for something I've done. Turning away, I continued to walk down the street.

"Stop!" I heard a little boy shout. Again I looked and saw a little girl chasing after a boy. I never had a little brother or sister to play with. Fighting back the tears, I started running to the liquor store. Finally, after 5 minutes, I was out of the neighborhood, walked past the old school, and nodded at the janitor who was washing the windows.

Madison never sent me to school and surprisingly convinced the state that I was home-schooled. I have no idea how she pulled that off, but I have some ideas on how she did. Although behind her back, I would go to some free classes to catch up with the rest of the teenagers my age. I even made some friends there, but we never kept in touch because I didn't have a phone and could never hang out with them. Though I'm sure, they've forgotten about me and moved on with their lives.

Coming upon the store, I walked in and went right up to customer service. "Hey Bella, how are you doing?" Sally asked. Sally, a 70-year-old woman who has known Madison for a long time and adores cats, is the only person I trust and always comes to her for anything. She's the only one that knows about Madison abusing me and all the other horrible things she's done to me. She would always tell me to call the police or stay with her, but I don't want Sally to feel the wrath of Madison. I wouldn't want anyone to be in my position.

"I'm fine.." I said, sadly looking down at my shoes. She looked at me sympathetically. She turned around and went to the back to get what I came for; she already knew what Madison wanted by heart. She came back to the counter with a pack of beer and cigarettes and handed them to me. I gave her the cash, but she persisted in me keeping it. I kept refusing, but she ends up winning, so I shoved the money in my pocket.

She came around the counter and hugged me. "I'm here for you no matter what." She said, still hugging me. "I know." I said, unwrapping my arms from her body and taking a step back. I waved goodbye and walked out of the store. At that exact moment, I bumped into something hard. I regained my balance and noticed it wasn't something; it was someone. "I'm so sorry.." I gasped, looking up at the curly brown-haired boy, with the gorgeous green eyes I had just slammed into.


Hello beautiful people, I am making serious major changes to this book to better my readers and me. Before, I decided to make changes for the book, meaning characters' names and stuff, but then I decided to change them because I was not too fond of the changes. So if there are any mistakes, please let me know. Thank you for your long time support, and hopefully, you will still support me through these changes :)

(changes are all done)

- beautifuldesiress x

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