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I woke up the next morning in the same spare bedroom I slept in the other night, rubbing my eyes, and walked into the bathroom, locking the door after me and stared into my reflection. "Worthless piece of trash." I can still hear Madison's voice in my head. "Look at you. No wonder why your parents left you." I closed my eyes and tried to make the thoughts go away. It was like I could hear her voice so clear, like she was standing next to me. "Worthless."

"I am not!" I yelled, screaming at my reflection in the mirror. I don't know what happened next, but my knuckles started to hurt and bleed a bit. I inspected my hand and looked straight in the mirror. I gasped as I saw a spot in the mirror was cracked, some shards missing, which ended up in the sink. I could see a little bit of blood, knowing that it was from me. I winced, touching my wound, and clutched my hand into a fist, which made it hurt even more.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts, "Bella are you alright?" Harry asked. I didn't answer; I was still focused on my knuckles to care. "Bella? Can I come in?" I screwed my eyes closed, the pain getting more intense every second. "U-Um, d-do you have any bandages?" I asked him, walking closer to the door so I could hear him clearly. "Uh.. yeah it's in the bottom drawer." I looked down to see 4 drawers, opened the last one, and rummaged around to find the bandages.

"Did you cut yourself?" I heard him ask. I finally found them and ripped the biggest one open, and placed it on my knuckles. It didn't help much, but it was the least I can do to hide it from him. Though I knew I couldn't hide it as good as I thought as I looked back at the mirror. I sighed, not knowing what I should do. "Bella?" He asked again. "I'm alright. I'll be downstairs in a bit. Is it alright if I use this shower?" I asked him. I just wanted him to leave me alone.

"Sure, it's alright." He replied. I nodded my head, forgetting he can't see me. "I'll bring you clothes to borrow. Leave the door unlock so I can leave it on the sink counter." Before I could protest, I heard him walk away, his footsteps becoming more distant.

I unlocked the door and quickly threw off my clothes, and turned on the showerhead. The moment the water hit my back, I could feel my tense muscles start to relax just a bit. Once I felt that my hair was wet enough, I looked around for soap. All I found was a huge bottle of boy shampoo. I bit my lip, debating whether not to use it, but I did smell awful, and my hair was practically sticking to me because of how greasy it was. Sighing, I reached up on my tippy toes, grasped the bottle in my hands, was careful not to fall, and pulled it down.

I poured an amount into my hand and started to rub it into my hair, lathering it carefully. Wincing once a while cause some of the soap got onto my knuckles, and it stung. Once I had rinsed, I heard a knock on the door. "Y-Yeah?" I stuttered, not even knowing why I nervous. "Can I come in? I have some clothes for you!" Harry's voice shouted over the loud water. I tensed up for a moment but then remembered I was behind a curtain.

"S-Sure!" I replied, moving further away from the curtain as I heard him open the door. I heard him moving around, then the door shut, and I let out a breath of relief. Grabbing the body wash, I washed the dirt off my body, leaving it smooth and smelling like cologne, then turned off the water. I peeked my head out the curtain to make sure Harry hadn't just pretended to leave the bathroom. Stepping out into the cold air, I took a deep breath. Grabbing the towel, I dried myself off and then looked over at the sink counter, where Harry neatly folded a shirt and boxers.

"Seriously.." I mumbled, knowing I had no choice. Luckily I had my tank top and bra from yesterday. But, wait, where did he put the clothes I just had on? I looked around for it, and it was nowhere to be found. I sighed, giving up, knowing I had to wear the clothes anyways. Thankfully he left my bra and underwear; I instantly starting blushing, knowing if he took my clothes, he saw the two things. "Jesus.." I cursed to myself. After putting on the boxers, my tank top and bra, and his black t-shirt, I looked around for something to brush my hair with. All I saw were a few scattered combs.

I sighed and picked up the thickest one and forced it through my tuffs of wet brown hair, luckily only breaking one stick on it by the time I was done. I bit my lip and sucked in a deep breath through my nose, and opened the door. "Hello?" I called, looking back and forth down the hall. "We're downstairs!" I think Louis's voice shouted from downstairs, and Niall's laugh, I presume, echoed right after it being followed by several voices. Walking in that direction of the voices, I entered the archway at the end of the hall, which led to a nice-sized kitchen and the living room.

"Come on in!" I heard a voice shout. A girl alone in a house with 5 boys, I don't think this is a good idea. "Don't worry we don't bite!" Niall yelled, and I heard an 'oof.' Walking slowly towards the door, I suddenly felt extremely insecure with just a t-shirt and boxers on. The moment I walked in, all the boys turned towards me. Niall started choking on his food from laughter, and Harry nudged Zayn. "Living proof that you need to eat more hamburgers!" He teased, and Zayn swatted him hard, making him yelp. I looked at him confused, and Harry looked at me.

"Those are Zayn's clothes you are wearing." He said. "Come sit next to me!" Louis pressed, shoving Niall out of his seat next to him. "Hey!" Niall protested but didn't fight back. Instead, he walked over to the island and pulled himself up, grumbling. I nodded and sat in Niall's seat, instantly feeling awkward as all of their eyes bore down on me. "She smells like she used Harry's body wash and shampoo!" Niall teased from his spot, breaking the awkward silence that had started. I bit my lip and looked down. "Ni..." Liam hissed, and I could see Niall's shadow holding up his arms in protest. "It's okay he just likes to banter." Liam mumbled, smiling.

"Are you hungry?" Harry asked, jumping up and grabbing the bowl of eggs on the counter. I was starving, but I wasn't so comfortable with eating at the moment. "Come on it's okay.." Louis urged me and poking me in the ribs. I just nodded, and Harry gave me a plate filled with delicious-smelling eggs. "Thanks.." I mumbled, eating it. I felt 5 pairs of eyes watching me as I was eating. "Is it good?" I heard Harry ask. I looked up at him and nodded. After I finished, I picked up my plate and rinsed it off in the sink. "Thank you for the breakfast. I'm gonna go back into the room. I hope that's okay." I said to all of them, and then looking at Harry, then looking down at my bare feet.

"Sure." I nodded my head and walked back to the hall, upstairs, and into the room. I had a bit of trouble shutting the door but succeeded, then flopped down on the bed fighting back the tears. Why is my life so messed up? I know the boys are trying to be nice, but I'm scared that they're going to do something to me. My chest heaved up and down while I waited for my tears to stop. Finally, I wrapped the blanket over my shivering body and buried my face into my pillow. I need a nap. Suddenly I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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