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It's been weeks since Bella told me what happened to her. I've been cautious around her. It just feels like I can break her with every touch. She also told the boys. A couple of days after, all of them kept looking at her with sad faces. We all tried to act normal, but we just couldn't.

Bella even broke down in front of us. Not like crying breaking down but yelling. I guess she was tired of us being sympathetic towards her.

Right now, we're watching taken, and in the corner of my eyes, I can see all the boys taking glimpses at Bella now and then. It was mostly at the parts where it involved some of the guys taking the girls away.

She sat up and grabbed the remote, and pressed pause. "Ok what's up?" She said, looking at all of us. We all looked at each other. "Well..." She pressed on.

"I'm sorry." Niall said.

"For what?" Bella said.

"For what happened to you. With Andy." Niall said but whispering the last part. All the other lads said, "Yeah."

"Ok well I appreciate that you guys are caring about me but I want you to stop. I want you guys to stop saying 'you're sorry' because I'm fine ok." She said with every word with anger building up in her voice.

"Bel-" I started to say.

"Just stop Harry. I know what you're going to say. I'm just sick and tired of people feeling sorry for me. Ever since I lived with Madison I kept hearing 'I'm sorry.' Everybody in the neighborhood knew what she was doing to me but they didn't want to say anything because they were all scared of her. So I would appreciate it if you would stop feeling sorry for me." She got up and left.

It was silent for a couple of minutes since she left. I decided to go after her to make sure she was ok. I knocked on her door, and it was silent. I touched the knob, opened the door, and saw her lying on her back, looking up at the ceiling. I closed her door lightly, and she turned her head facing me.

"Hey.." I quietly whispered. I slowly walked towards her and sat next to her. "Are you ok?" I asked her. She covered her eyes and let out a big sigh. "I feel bad now." She said, but it sounded muffled due to covering her hands.

"Heeeyy.." I tried to pry her hands off of her face. In the middle of it, she stood up and started pacing back and forth. "I-I'm a horrible person." She stopped and looked at me. "Come here." I motioned to stand in front of me. When she was right in front of me, I put her in between my legs.

"You're not a horrible person."

She looked down at her hands. I took her hands and held them.

"Yes I am. I lashed out at them and they were just being nice." She sighed.

"You want to talk to them?" I asked her.

She nodded, "Yeah."

(AN: now the story takes place 3 months later. Its May to be more clear)

"Trevor stop!!" I heard a girl scream coming from the stairs. "Hey mate you aren't worried about Trevor and Bella." Liam asked, setting his book aside. Ever since Trevor and Bella have been hanging out recently, all the lads kept asking me if I was ok with them hanging out. At first, I was a little cautious, but I'm not worried about Bella. I trust her.

Trevor comes into the living room with a screaming Bella. Trevor playfully throws her onto the couch next to me. I look at her, and I see her smile. I have never seen that kind of smile on her face. I saw it once when I took her out on our second-month anniversary date. She told me that if I ever saw that smile on her face, that means she's really, really happy.

I smiled. "What?" She caught me staring at me.

"I love your smile." I said to her, which made her chuckle and smiled more. She leaned forward and kissed me. I gently placed my hand against her cheek. "Eww!" I heard Trevor's voice say. "Yeah guys keep it PG." Another voice said, which belonged to Liam.

Bella broke the kiss. "Shut up Trevor!" Bella grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

"Hey! I wasn't the only one to say something." The pillow hit him in the face. Bella looked at Liam and also threw a pillow at him. "Hey!" We all started to laugh.

*3 days later*

Today is Bella's 19th birthday. Currently, we're lying in my bed. Little tiny snores are coming from her nose. I brushed a piece of hair out of her face so I could see her face clearly. I know it's weird watching someone sleep, but I find it peaceful.

She started to move. She turned over on her left, which makes her face against my chest. I felt her let out a big breath. "Good morning." she croaked.

I kissed the top of her head. "Good morning." I stayed silent to make sure I wouldn't wake her fully if she wanted to sleep again. She opened her eyes and looked up at me. She smiled. "Happy Birthday love." I whispered to her.

All 7 of us are at the dining table eating the breakfast that I made for us. The lads and I are going to throw a surprise party for Bella. We've been planning it for about a couple of days now. I'm supposed to distract her for the whole day until 8 tonight.

Trevor is also going to help me today with Bella. Again the boys weren't sure if I should include Trevor in the plan, but he's my friend, and I trust him. I heard a noise coming from her phone. She put down her fork and grabbed her phone from her back pocket.

"Trevor wants to hang out with me today." She said. I quickly looked at the boys to let them know that the plan was starting now. "Cool." I said while taking another bite of my eggs. "But I would rather spend my day with you." She took another bite of her food.

"And of course you guys too." She said, looking at the lads. "You can hang out with Trevor and later on you're mine for the rest of the night." I said, smiling at her. I made sure to show my dimples because people think they would persuade someone. I don't get it, but that's what the lads say.

She let out a sigh, "Ok." She quickly finished her food, put her plate in the dishwasher, and came over to me. She kissed me on the cheek. "I have to get ready." And with that, she left.

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