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"Mister we are here for Bella Diaz. I heard from people around these neighborhoods saying she's been staying in this house with five people." The man stared intently, almost harshly at me, while I forced my jaw to stay shut.

My mind started racing with thoughts of what I should do; then, I decided to play dumb. "Bella Diaz? I never met a girl named Bella." He stared at me intently. "The mother of this child said that she left precisely 2 days ago and was last seen running away with a boy."

A boy? I was that boy! "Oh that's awful. But officer why would you suspect anyone that lived here?" I made sure I said that really loud in an upset tone, but in reality, I was making sure Bella and the lads knew so she could hide.

"Because an unnamed source said they saw the girl and a boy walking at night in front of this house." I let out a breath of relief when I heard the four lads slipping out by the doorway then heard a quiet yell of "what and where."

"May I check the house sir?" He asked, and I snapped out of my own little world only to go into one of panic. "Why?" I asked. "Because I need to make sure that you aren't lying and if the girl is staying here." He snapped in a grumpy tone that meant business.

I stood straight up and shifted from one foot to the other. "Alright." I nervously mumbled, crossing fingers that Bella is hiding somewhere. He cannot find Bella.

If he does, he'll probably send her back to her foster home with her evil mother. The cop nodded, and I stepped to the side, and he slipped in, grazing his eyes over the well-furnished living room.

"I assume you have a lot of money no?" He asked, and I nodded. "Live here alone?" He asked. "Yes but sometimes my mates stay here with me." He nodded. "Are they here with you?" I nodded. "Before I investigate I have to ask you and the other four questions?" He started flipping open a notepad and pulling out a pen.

"Um..Okay..Louis! Zayn! Liam! Niall! We have company!" I shouted. "Coming!" Liam shouted, and I heard a door slam shut from upstairs. Then the pounding of four sets of feet ran downstairs towards the stairs rumble through the house. "So four of the boys don't live here but occasionally stay here from time to time?" The man asked as the four lads came into view, shoving each other and bumping into each other.

"This is" I look over at him, and he nodded, "Officer Calvin!" I smile a fake smile, "Officer Calvin! And apparently he's here to interview us because for some strange reason people say that we know a Bella Diaz."

I shot the boys a look that meant pretend to be surprised, and Liam spoke up, "Oh, is that so? He said. "I would like to interview you guys."

He gestured to the couch, and we quickly sat down, trying to hide uneasy we were. "Okay where were you guys the night she disappeared?" Liam instantly spoke up, "We were all at my house that night." The officer scribbled down his answer.

"What were you guys doing there?" Niall spoke up this time, "We were all catching up with each other. Liam just came back from Uni and we all wanted to celebrate his arrival."

Luckily that was true. He gazed at me intently, almost like he was trying to read my mind, and I shifted uncomfortably.

"So do any females live in this house?" He asked, wrinkling his nose at the socks someone had left draped on the television.

"No sir. Just me and sometimes the four of them stay for a while." I spoke and stood up, grabbing the socks then throwing them off to the side.

"What do you guys do for a living?" Niall spoke up again, "I eat, Zayn brushes his hair, Louis is a sass king, Liam cooks, and Harry is the ladies man!" He smirked after saying this, and the cop rolled his eyes.

"How old are you guys?" No one answered, so I did. "I'm 19, Louis is 22, Zayn is 21, Niall and Liam are both 20." The cop shook his head.

He closed the notepad. "Well you 5 seem innocent enough, but I still need to conduct a search of the house before I can give you the clear." Liam looked over at me, and I shrugged.

"Okay, but it might take a while." The cop turned towards me, "No problem." Then headed into the kitchen. "Where is she hiding?" I whisper shouted to them, "In the attic!" Louis shot back, and we jerked up just as the cop walked out.

"May you guys show me around?" He asked, pointing to the hallway, and we started walking ahead of him. "This is the bathroom, and down here is a guest bedroom." Niall said with an innocent smile.

Carefully he looked inside the room. Then I remembered that Bella's stuff was on the guest bed, yet remembered too late! "I thought you said no females live here?" The cop asked, walking out of the guest room holding a bag of clothing.

"None do but some of my cousins uh.. Shelby and Marissa stayed with me recently and left a few things behind.." I said, fading off as the cop jotted down a few notes in his notepad. "May I see upstairs?" He asked, and I nodded, hoping he wouldn't notice there was an attic.

"Sure." I said, leading the way while the boys followed. Slowly almost hauntingly, he searched each room, careful not to miss a thing, then would move on to the next.

He didn't say a word to us until he had checked the bathroom. "Well I suppose there is nothing more to ch.." He started then his gaze fell upon the attic door above him. "Crud.." Niall whispered enough for only us to hear.

"Can one of you open the attic door for me?" He asked, making it sound more like a demand. Biting my lip, I debated hotly what to do; then, my jaw dropped as Liam grabbed the string and pulled the door down.

"Go ahead, but there is only a bunch of old stuff up there." He stated, and the man stared at him funny, then climbed up the creaky ladder, cautioning us to follow him. Once we all climbed up, the mustiness in the air surrounded us, and most of the light went away, probably making it hard for him to see.

He looked like he was looking for something. "You know you smell like beer and cigarettes! You reek!" Niall shouted, plugging his nose. "That uniform you're wearing I haven't seen any of the cops in this area wear something like that in a while!" Liam chuckled, but I could tell there was some edge in his tone.

Then before we could react, Calvin whipped around and pulled out his gun, pointing it straight in Niall's face. "I knew you weren't a cop. Do you really think we're that stupid?" Niall said with a little bit of fear in his voice. "Actually I thought you were smarter!" Then he kicked his foot back, shoving the couch behind him, and I heard a thud as a body fell.

"And you really think you're so smart hiding the girl in a hollowed out couch!" He snickered and kicked it again, making Bella let out a shout of pain. "Stop it you jerk!" I screamed, my heart burning with rage that we would dare hurt my girl. Did I call Bella my girl? Now's not the time, Harry!

Bella rolled out from under the couch and jerked up, then her eyes widened. "Eric?!" Eric? I thought his name was Calvin. Does she know him? "Nice to see you again Bella. Madison sure does miss you."

"How did you find me?" Bella asked as she stood up. "Madison followed you here and told me to come and check to see if you were still here. So I waited for the right moment to see if you were here and well you are." He said, laughing hysterically, making me scared for Niall's life.

"Please put the gun down sir." Liam said. "!" He said, then turned around, and with one smooth move, he grabbed Bella with brute force and pointed the gun back at Niall.

"Let me go!" She yelled, kicking and struggling. "I'll do whatever you say and go back with you, if you don't hurt them!" No. No. No. She can't do that.

"Hmm... okay." He said, smiling. "Bella." I said. "It's okay Harry." She said, looking at me sadly. Calvin or Eric loosened his grip on her, and in one swift movement, Bella kicked him where no man wants to be kicked. He dropped the gun, and Bella picked it up, running over to us.

"Give up now Eric." She said, looking at him. He looked up at her and laughed, "I'm not giving up that easy." Then, he ran over to her and tackled her to the ground.

We all ran, trying to get him off of her. All I heard next was a scream and a gunshot.

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