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"Okay bud let's lay you down here." I carried Louis onto Niall's couch and laid him down. He giggled and was whispering to himself, "Ponies are nice. I want a pony." I arched my eyebrow at him. "Louis, you're gonna be okay here alright." He turned his head to me and blankly stared at me. He smiled and reached out his hand to touch my face, "Are you my pony?" I was going to answer, but his hand dropped, and he fell asleep.

Light snores came from his mouth, and I walked away to pick up the bottles off the floor near the couch. I saw Liam come back into the living room with a black hefty bag in his left hand and started to pick up bottles that we laid across the living room. I missed having Liam around; I'm glad he's back. I decided to help him clean up the rest of Niall's living room, considering he passed out on his other couch.

20 minutes passed, and I tidied up Niall's living room. It took us a while, considering the other boys fell asleep, and it was only Liam and me still around. I checked the time on my phone, and it read 2:35 am. I should probably start heading home. After looking around to see if everything was okay, I turned to Liam, "Hey I'm gonna leave now." He nodded his head, "Okay, I'll just sleep over in Niall's room. Get home safely." We hugged each other goodbye and promised to see him tomorrow. I grabbed my jacket, waved goodbye, and went straight to the door.

Once I got outside. I started walking down the street. I suddenly heard noises, but I think it's my mind playing tricks and the alcohol starting to take effect. Walking a little further, I felt something bump into me. Wow, the second time someone bumped into me. "Sorry." I said, looking at the person. The person looked up, and something about her looked familiar. Oh, wait, it's the girl that bumped into me earlier.

She jumped back and kept looking around like something was chasing her. "You alright?" She looked back at me, and her face was filled with fear. "You need to leave! Now!" She yelled. "Why?" I was so confused. "Get back here you stupid girl!" I heard a voice yell not too far away from us. "Run!" She yelled, tugging at my wrist, and we both started running. I have no idea where we're going, but this girl seems to be in trouble. "This way." I pulled her arm and ran in the other direction.

I recognized the houses that were coming up and realized we were close to my flat. I stopped running to catch my breath and hunched forward, and leaned onto my knees. I need to start working out more. "Where are we?" I heard her ask. "In my neighborhood." I told her. "I should go." She started to walk back. I grabbed her arm before she can go any further and pulled her back. "Wait who was yelling at you and why were you running?" I asked her.

"I-It's no one." She stuttered. I looked at her, not too convinced. "I should go. Thanks... I guess... for helping me run and losing the person." She nodded her head and turned back, and started walking away. "Wait!" I yelled at her. I caught up with her and stood in front of her. "I can tell you have no place to go, you can stay with me for the time being." She looked at me like I was crazy. "I don't even know you." She whispered. "Come on, I just wanna help." I said. She had a look on her face like she was thinking about it.

"I don't bite." I chuckled. We started walking in silence. Well, this is awkward. "The name's Harry." I said, holding out my hand for her to shake. "What's yours?" I waited for her response. "Bella." She said lowly, placing her hand in mine and returning the handshake. "You're not from here are you?" She said to me. I looked at her, confused. "Your accent, I can tell you're not from here. You're British right?" I nodded my head, "Yeah I moved here when I was 16."

We kept on walking until I saw my flat. I walked up the steps, got my keys out of my back pocket, put the key into the keyhole, and opened it. "Welcome." I said, looking back at her. I tried to read her facial expression but couldn't figure out what she was feeling right now. She hesitated a moment then proceeded to walk inside. "Nice house." She commented. It was an average-looking flat; people call it a house in America. 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. "Thanks." She kept on looking around and landed her gaze on me.

"You live alone?" She asked. "Yeah." She faked a smile, but I could tell she was uncomfortable. "You can stay the night or as long as you want to." She looked at me. "Umm.. I-I can't. I don't want to be a bother." She said, starting to turn back. I gently grabbed her arm, stopping her a second time, and looked her in the eyes. "It's okay. You can sleep in the spare bedroom." I told her.

I led her upstairs and showed her where she would be spending the night. I told her to wait for me here while I got some spare clothes for her to wear. Rummaging through my drawers, I found a gray t-shirt and shorts. I walked back to the room and saw her staring out the window. "You can borrow these." I motioned to the clothes in my hand. She looked at me and walked towards to and whispered a 'thanks.'

"Well I'll be in the bedroom across the hall. Have a good night." I smiled at her as she said 'goodnight' to me back and walked back to my room. After putting on my new shirt and shorts, I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking about what happened the past hour. I still want to know why she was running, most importantly, who was she running from. As I kept thinking, my eyes started to close, and I drifted to sleep.

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