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I don't know how long I kept on staring into his eyes, but I couldn't look away. His eyes were a dark shade of green, with a hint of brown. "It's fine, love." He said, still looking at me. I paused for a moment to regain my grip on the bags and watched him walk away. I walked on pretending that never happened. I couldn't get him out of my head. I shook my head; I can't think about him, I don't even know him.


I pulled myself up into my bedroom, clutching my swollen cheek trying to keep blood from dripping on the white carpet beneath my feet. I would have to rewash it if I got blood on it again and didn't want that. I walked into my small bathroom and gently dabbed the wound clean with wet toilet paper. I looked around my small and broken-down bathroom. The walls were a light shade of brown, the original color was white, but one of Madison's boyfriend wanted to paint it that color. I had no say in it.

Staring at my reflection, my eyes gazed down on my cheek. My eyes then wondered at the scratch underneath my eyebrow. I kept looking at all of the healed but permanent marks and scratches Madison has left on my face. I never really understood why Madison hated me so much. I never did anything to her. Ever since she adopted me, I have only been nice to her, and in return, I get beaten and punched.

I rolled over on my back, stared up at the ceiling, and let out a sigh. "Girl please he doesn't want you! Now I see why they call this Mean Girls!" I heard Madison's shrill voice yelling at the TV again. I can picture her with a bottle in hand, sitting at the edge of the couch, nearly throwing the bottle at the tv. I wouldn't be surprised if she broke the TV with her bottle again. I would have to steal another TV from this store if she did. I rolled my eyes and shifted to my side, trying to get comfortable. Before falling asleep, I heard Madison turn off the TV and walking up the stairs.

Slowly I felt my eyes get heavy, and then it hit me. I didn't lock my door. Jerking up quickly and practically flying to my door, I ran to lock my door. Before I touched the handle, Madison slammed the door open. "Well, well, well." She slurred. I slowly backed away. "What do we have here?" Every step I took back, she stepped forward. She pushed me up against the wall, and I can smell the alcohol from her mouth. She put her mouth against my ear and whispered, "Worthless piece of trash." She chuckled.

She pulled away and slapped me. I put my hand against my cheek; it felt warm. I looked up at her and saw her laughing. "Look at you. No wonder why your parents left you." She spat. I can't believe she's bringing my parents into this. My parents died when I was 7. I've been to 10 different foster homes because none of the parents wanted me. The other kids in the foster homes got me in trouble, and the parents would get angry and send me back. Up until I turned 10, that was when they sent me to Madison, and I've been here ever since.

I just kept on staring at her. I have to leave; I can't stay here any longer. I'll go insane if I have to stay here any minute longer. I waited until she finally had her back turned to me. She kept on talking and talking about how I ruined her life. How she wished she should've never let child services convince her to let me stay with her. How she should've beat me harder until I died. How she should've already gotten rid of me years ago.

I held in the tears that I wanted to get out. I so badly wanted to scream at her saying how she ruined my life. But I had to stay strong. Strong enough to get me out of here. Until I can tell Madison was distracted, I ran straight past her and out the door. "Get back here!" She yelled. Rushing down the hall, skidding a few times due to my slippery socks, I rushed desperately for the stairs praying that I wouldn't fall on the way down.

Skipping a few steps, I let out a breath of relief as I neared the front door, but then the whole house plunged into darkness. "Come out, come out wherever you are!" I heard her voice shout from upstairs. Fear swept over me again as I felt around slowly starting to feel helpless. If I didn't find the doorknob in a matter of seconds, I was screwed. "I see you!" Her voice shouted from the other end of the room.

I bolted, not caring how many times I slammed into a wall or a piece of furniture. I then bumped into something soft but sturdy. The couch! I was definitely in the living room now. Then I felt fingers brush across my arm. "No!" I shrieked, jumping back then getting tangled in the lamp cord. I fell and landed on my butt. I took a few deep breaths, then got back up and searched for the door.

After basically touching everything, I found the doorknob and ran. "Come here!" Madison yelled. I ran and ran and ran no matter how tired I was; I didn't stop. I guess I should've stopped because I felt something hard bump against me. "Sorry." I heard the voice say. I looked up and saw the same green eyes that I saw earlier.


I hope you liked the second chapter! :)

- beautifuldesiress

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