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"Hello.." He sneered, looking down at me with a terrifying glare that seemed to gaze into my soul. I wanted so badly to continue screaming, but my throat formed into a soundless lump, and my heartbeat speeds up with intense panic mixed with shock.

I couldn't speak or move. He brushed past me into the room, closing the door behind him. "So you're Bella?" He whispered from behind me; I stood frozen to scared to move or breathe. "Madison has told me a lot about you." I closed my eyes.

"Except more prettier." He purred, making me shiver as he slid a hand up my shirt and ran his finger down my spine. "You know the boys downstairs are very lucky to have you. I bet they dream to do things to you. But sadly Madison wants you."

"Too bad she can't have me!" I said softly as a plan formed quickly! Then catching him off guard, I kicked backward, hitting his manhood. "You little b-brat!" He growled, rushing to soothe them while I took the opportunity to open the door, ready to dart like a rabbit getting chased by a hound.

"Not happening honey!" He snapped and ran so fast he stuck his foot, making me fall on my stomach hard, knocking the wind out of me! I had fallen halfway out of the room and saw the boys running down the hall!

"Help me!" I screamed when two hands gripped my ankles and pulled me backward. Darkness evolved around me, and my stomach burned when I brushed against the floor as he had pulled me back in.

"Now where was I?" He spat thru clenched teeth and slammed the door shut as I heard a body slam against it. "Help! Louis help me! Zayn! Harry! Anyone please!" I screeched, thrashing around violently.

Hot tears were stabbing my eyes, my heart was beating so fast I was almost positive I was about to have a heart attack, and I felt chills going down my body, giving me goosebumps. "I'm taking you with me, and you're not going to breath a word!" He yelled, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Let go of me you creep!" I hissed, thinking of some possible last-minute escapes, when the sound of bodies slamming against the door vibrated across the room. "If you hurt her, I swear I will kill you!" Harry's angry voice echoed through the door.

He laughed, then still holding me tightly with one arm, he dragged me over to the wall and banged the back of my head against the wall. I put my hands on the back of my head, and I saw blood all over my fingers. The pain started to erupt all over my head.

Somehow through all of this, I saw the boys break open the door and go straight to the man.

I started to see dots form in my vision. "Bella! Stay awake! Stay with me" I heard Harry's voice, but it was distant. Soon enough, darkness surrounded me.


"I think she's waking up." I heard a faint whisper. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times to adjust to the lighting. Harry's face came into my view, and he lightly smiled. "Hey." He softly whispered. "Hey." My voice croaked. I needed water badly!

I guess Harry got my point when he handed me a glass of water. I gulped down the water, and my throat felt fresh from the cool water. Harry grabbed my cup and placed it on the table near the bed. "What happened?" I asked, looking at each of the boys.

"You hit your head pretty badly and you blacked out." Niall said while looking sad. "Are you hungry?" Liam asked. I nodded my head, and I hissed in pain. "Be careful. Your head was bleeding pretty bad." Harry said, trying to be cautious.

I didn't realize that Harry and I were the only ones in the room until I heard the door shut. Harry put his face into his hands and sighed. I reached out and held his hand in mine. "I'm okay." I assured him. "How long was I out?"

He looked at his watch and said, "For about 12 hours." I didn't realize we were still holding hands when I felt his fingers tighten around mine. I slowly gazed at our hands. I liked how mine perfectly fit in his, and it's funny how my hand is small compared to his.

He looked at me and followed my gaze down to our hands, and smiled. I felt myself blush, and I think he noticed when he chuckled. He moved a strand of hair behind my ear and looked into my eyes like he was looking into my soul.

"I'm glad you're okay." He softly whispered. He moved his face closer towards mine. "Me too." I whispered. His face remained an inch away from mine. We stared into each other eyes, but now and then, Harry's eyes would flicker down to my lips.

His lips touched mine, and my heart combusted. Our lips moved in sync, and I bet my heart would have burst out of my chest. A knock on the door caused us to pull away from each other. "I made eggs, bacon, and pancakes." Liam said as he came in and stopped in his tracks as he saw Harry and me.

"Did I interrupt anything?" He said with a smirk on his face. Harry coughed, "No." He looked at me and pecked my cheek. "I'll be in my room. I'll be back soon." He said while walking to the door and left. "Soo.." Liam had a cheeky grin on his face. "Shut up." He chuckled, which made me laugh.

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