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I felt a pounding headache as I slowly opened my eyes. My gaze fell upon an unfamiliar ceiling then I remembered everything that had happened the other night. I got out of bed and went to the door, and walked out. I wonder if Harry's awake. Walking down the stairs, I heard a soft voice coming from the kitchen. I hesitated walking towards the kitchen door because I felt like I should leave now, which would help a lot in this situation. I could go and find another place to live and Harry could go on with his life and pretend I was never here.

Before I could think thoroughly about what to do, the kitchen door opened, revealing Harry wearing a white tank top and gray sweats. "Oh hey. Morning." His husky voice said, smiling. He had a pop tart in his hand and a water bottle in the other. "Morning." I quietly said. "Did you sleep well?" I nodded, looking at the ground. It was silent for a second until he opened his mouth again. "Are you hungry?" He asked me while taking a bite out of his pop tart.

I shook my head, "No. But thank you for letting me sleep here. I should get going." I said to him, finally looking at his face. "Oh okay." He slightly smiled. It almost seemed like he was upset. I nodded my head and made my way back to the room I slept in, and changed back into my clothes from yesterday. I stared at myself in the mirror behind the door, and my eye bags were very prominent; my hair was tangled and messed up in places. I combed my hair with my fingers and decided it was time to leave.

I made my way downstairs and saw Harry sitting down on his couch. He turned his head to me when one of the steps creaked. He got up and met me at the bottom step. "Um... I hope everything turns out okay." He said to me, and I smiled at him. I hate to admit it, but I liked staying here with him. He was nice, but I know if I stay here any minute longer, Madison will find me, and I didn't want him to get hurt just because I stayed here. Harry and I walked towards the door.

Before I could say anything else, the front door opened, and walked in 4 boys. The one on the far left had blond brownish hair and was wearing a blue dress shirt, black jeans, and black shoes; the one next to him had jet black hair and was wearing a white shirt, a beige greenish jacket black, and gray shoes. The boy on the far right had light brownish hair and was wearing a gray hoodie and black jeans with light brown shoes, and the one next to him had fluffy chocolate brown hair and was wearing a white t-shirt and a black motorcycle jacket with black jeans and black shoes.

"Harry!" The boy with light brownish hair, wearing a hoodie, black jeans, and light brown shoes, ran towards Harry and hugged him. "Hey Lou." Harry said, chuckling. They pulled apart, and I stood there, avoiding the stares from the other boys still standing by the door. The boy that was hugging Harry looked at me and had a confused face. "Who's this?" He asked, looking at Harry, then looking at me and looking back at him. "This is Bella. Bella this is Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam." Harry said, pointing at each boy.

"Hi." I quietly said to them. They all replied with 'hey's and 'hello's. It was silent for a moment, but Louis, I assumed, opened his mouth and spoke, "Well I'm starving Harry whip something up for me and the lovely Bella why don't ya." He smiled and clapped his hands out of excitement. Harry opened his mouth, but before he can say anything, I interrupted, "I'm actually leaving now." I turned to Harry, "Thanks for letting me stay the night. I guess I'll see you around."

I lightly waved and smiled and made my way to the door. I opened the door, and the cold air hit me. I shivered slightly and turned my head to get one last look at Harry. I smiled at him again and stepped outside, closing the door behind me. I walked down the unfamiliar street, and many houses surrounded that. I continued to walk, hoping I would see a shop or gas station nearby. Walking a little bit more, the houses started to decrease, and a few shops were in view.

I decided to go into the first shop I saw to use their bathroom if they had one. The first shop I saw was named Gale's Book Shop. I looked inside the shop to see if anyone was inside. I saw a little old lady behind the counter knitting. I opened the door, and the smell of cookies engulfed my senses. A little bell rang on the top of the door; I guess it would signal if anyone were coming inside. "Well good morning darling, welcome to my book shop." The sweet old lady smiled at me.

She had big round glasses on her face, and her hair was white and short. I smiled back at her, "Good morning. Um do you by any chance have a bathroom I can use?" I really had to use the bathroom, considering I forgot to use it back at Harry's place. "I do darling. It's all the way in the back." She pointed her finger to the back, I nodded my head, and she went back to knitting whatever she was making. I made my way to the bathroom and did my business. After using the bathroom, I went back to the front counter, the old lady looked at me, and I was going to say something to her, but the door opened, and as soon as the dirty blonde hair was in view, I instantly knew who it was.

My skin went cold, and I ran behind a bookcase to hide. There was a little hole between the two books, and I peeked through it to see what was happening. "Hello have you seen a teen with brown hair and about 5'5 around here?" I heard Madison say. The old lady looked at the bookcase I was hiding behind and looked at Madison. "I haven't seen anyone around here. Not many teenagers come to bookstores nowadays." Madison nodded her head and looked around for a second, and left.

I waited until she was out of view and walked out from my hiding spot. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding since I saw her. I prayed to God, thanking him that she didn't see me. "Thank you." I thanked the sweet old lady. She nodded her head and then offered me a cookie which I happily accepted.


After spending a few hours with her, I continued to walk down the still unfamiliar town, not knowing where I was going at all. My stomach grumbled at the smell of food. I looked around, and a bunch of fast-food restaurants was across each street. I didn't eat a lot back at the bookstore. I ate a bit of the cookie Gale offered me and drank a hot chocolate. I gave up walking and sat down on a curb, and hugged my legs. I started to tear up thinking about how I got here.

I didn't know where I was or how I got here. I had no food or money with me. The sky was getting darker every minute, and I didn't have a place to stay at. I started to cry more into my knees and hugged my knees tighter when a gust of wind came blowing by. I started shivering in the cold, remembering I was only wearing a flannel, a shirt, and jeans. I let my head rest on my knees, thinking of a plan on what I should do next.

Suddenly I heard heavy footsteps next to me, and I looked up to see who was coming. I saw the familiar green eyes I got used to seeing and his friends next to him. They all had concerned looks on their faces. I looked away from Harry and his friends and stared down at my knees. I sniffled and wiped away a few tears that came down my face with the back of my hand. "C'mon Bella." He said, sticking out his hand. He kept staring at me, waiting for me to take his hand, and I just stared at him. He shook his hand, gesturing for me to take it.

I continued to stare at his hand and bit my lip, debating if I should take his hand and let him help me. "Let me help you please." He begged, looking at his hand and back at me. I sighed, knowing I should let him help me considering I had no one else to help me. I placed my hand in his, and he tightened his grip staring at me. I looked into his eyes, and I knew he was genuine and wanted to help. I smiled at him, and he helped me get up from the curb. "You starving?" He asked me. "Definitely." I said, smiling. He chuckled, and so did the other boys.

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