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The pair sat under the shade of the tree, away from the prying eyes of the castle and the ears that heard too much; relishing in the solitude of the other's company while the knowledge of their separation lingered like a foreboding ache. A dull thrum of sadness beating along their hearts, so varying from the sky above them.

The weather was kind that day; warmth was expected, but as the summer came to an end, a gentle breeze accompanied it, cooling down the effects the sun had upon the land. One could peer out the castle windows and fail to spot them, only seeing vast lands that faded into the civilisation of the town the further one saw.

"You'll come back, right?" Louis asked eventually, trying and failing to hide the longing in his voice, unable to ignore the ache in his chest. It was a moot thing to ignore the inevitable. The sun would start descending soon and with it would near the time for the alpha's departure.

He felt the alpha's silent exhale against the back of his neck, not unlike the feeling behind his ribs. Pained. "I will, little one, you know I will," Harry said, arms holding the omega a little closer, as if it might make up for the months they would have to stay apart.

"Promise me, Harry," Louis turned his face to look at the alpha, adamant in his demand.

"You have my word, Louis, I will come back to you," Harry said, cradling the omega's face and kissing his forehead, "Wait for me."

"I'll miss you," the young Prince whispered, his eyes cast down to hide the hurt burning in them.

Harry moved his hands to the omega's back, resting his forehead against the boy's, relishing in the way dainty fingers skimmed through his hair, trying to untangle the mess of his curls. Those fingers pulled him closer still, meeting his mouth in a soft press of lips.

"Don't forget me, please," Louis' voice shook with unshed tears.

Harry caressed the younger wolf's cheek, despising even the thought of Louis ever being upset, "I can never forget you, my love."

If he could, Harry would have taken Louis with him, would've crowned the young Prince and have him sit beside his throne. But it was too soon, Louis needed to reach adulthood before Harry asked for his hand. And Harry had an empire to rule over after his father's untimely demise, he couldn't stay despite his heart's desire.

Their love for each other could have been obvious to even a blind man. Harry cared for Louis more than his own life, and Louis would gladly greet death if it meant his alpha got to breathe for another moment.

Their first kiss had been two years ago, on Louis' twelfth birthday. The alpha had been there to celebrate his best friend's name day and upon receiving the news that the said wolf had presented as an omega, his wolf went wild with glee.

Louis tasted of fresh fruits and sweet nectar. It was by far the best thing Harry had tasted and he never wished to let it go.

The omega had blushed when Harry had approached him with a confident yet inviting stride, offering his wrist for the omega to scent and feel calm before asking for courtship.

Louis had, of course, agreed and the pair had been kissing before the day even ended. Locked inside Louis' private chambers and away from prying eyes, Harry had kissed his sweet, sweet omega, whispering how beautiful he was, how weak he made Harry feel.

Their love had only grown each day, since then.

"Alpha?" Louis spoke in a small voice.

"Yes, my dear?" Harry smiled at the little wolf in his arms.

"What if you change? What if you find someone better than me? What if you bond with someone else?" Louis' voice finally broke at the end, uncertainty creeping out and making him let out a sob.

Harry's heart broke from seeing his little omega in such a situation, "Don't cry, little one. There is no one better than you. I have loved you, and I'll never love anyone else. My heart belongs to you."

Louis nodded, wanting to believe each word, but his wolf still doubted how someone like Harry could love someone like him.

Harry kissed the tip of the omega's nose, "You are mine and I am yours." He trailed several kisses along his jaw and inhaled his omega's delicious scent. "And I'll come back for you, love. Even though I change, my love for you will only grow each day," he brought Louis' head to his chest and laid down on the soft grass, with Louis on top of him.

Louis snuggled in Harry's arms and burried his head in his neck, kissing and biting there lightly, "I love you," he spoke in between his marking process. He wanted to leave little marks on Harry, to let other omega's know that Harry was his alpha. He knew they would be gone soon but he wanted to do whatever he could.

"I love you, too," Harry responded and kissed his hair.

"I love you more," Louis argued back and giggled, but gasped as a hand landed at his behind.

"Not possible." Harry stated and massaged where he had spanked, earning a whimper from the little wolf.

They hadn't been intimate in ways more than kissing and grinding. It would take everything in Harry to not take Louis then and there, take that beautiful and delicious arse of his and fuck him into oblivion, when Louis would be all needy and grinding his behind against Harry's aching member, begging the alpha to mate with him.

Harry had to resent himself from doing so, because he wanted to wait for his boy. He wanted it to be special for both of them, especially for his immaculate omega.

In his ruts, all Harry could think of was Louis whimpering, moaning and writhing beneath him as he released his knot and marked him as his own. He knew that one day his fantasy would turn into a beautiful reality and he could not wait for that day.

He had imagined Louis being pregnant with his pups and waddling in his palace, all swollen and glowing. These fantasies were the only things that would help him when he would be away from his omega.

"Lou? Will you promise me something?" Harry asked softly.

"Anything for you, my alpha." Louis looked up at him with a small smile, feeling better after being reassured.

"Promise me, that you'll take care of your health, I want you to be as healthy and fit as you are now, when I come back." Harry told him.

Louis nodded unsurely, "I promise."

He was sure that he would not be able to keep his promise. Only the thought of not being able to see Harry for long had made him lose his appetite in past two days, but no one had to know that, not so soon at least.

"I'm leaving tonight," the alpha said.

"I know," Louis answered in defeat, "I wish I was of your age, so that we could mate."

Harry sat up with Louis and took off his family's royal ring, slipping it onto Louis' finger, making the omega gasp in surprise., "This is yours, Harry! You should not give it to me."

"I can give it to whosoever I want to. And there is no one else I would rather see it wearing. It will remind you everyday that you are mine and that I love you, Louis," Harry whispered and kissed each one of Louis' knuckles.

"I love you too, Harry," Louis whispered, looking into the eyes of his lovely alpha.

Harry hugged Louis tightly, already dreading the thought of being unable to hold his omega, "I will miss you, my precious omega."

Louis hugged back equally tight and chocked out, "I will miss you too, my brave alpha."

Two tears slipped, one from blue, other from green.

My Precious Omega (Larry ABO)Where stories live. Discover now