Chapter 18

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The omega sighed, not particularly in distress or pain, just for the fact that he wanted comforting arms to hold him and the musky scent to fill his senses. But his wishes couldn't be fulfilled at the moment, for his mate was out in another kingdom and as much as they both wanted to be together, it was risky for the little wolf to travel for so long.

Rubbing a hand over his belly, he shifted back on the grass and smiled when Zayn aided him by supporting his back.

Harry had made his beta stay back to look after Louis, in case something happens or the omega needs anything in particular. The little omega was really grateful for that, because he needed company to keep him engaged and not whine about his mate's absence. He could have been with Martha but the alpha king protested, wanting him to be with someone who could protect him too.

"When will Harry return?" Louis asked, turning his neck to look at the wolf sitting beside him.

"Around dinner tonight," Zayn replied, "From what I know, the issue was resolved rather quickly and Master will be back tonight and not tomorrow morning."

The omega signed in relief. "I miss him so much," he spoke after a while.

"He's been gone for three days, of course you'll miss him, Luna," Zayn sympathized from experience, he too had to be away from his mate due to his duties.

"Don't call me Luna, it's just Louis to you," Louis smiled at him, "Don't act like we are strangers."

Zayn smiled in return, a little upturn at the corners, eyes softening at the words, "It feels like ages since we sat and talked, everything is so different. But a good different, too."

"Yeah, it is," Louis breathed. His mind wandered to when he had been away from his alpha, but rather than getting upset, he grew curious. "How was alpha like when I was not here? I mean, I have heard things but what was he actually like?"

"Pretty bad, if I must say," the beta spoke after a while. "He was... detached. Duties and war were his priority. The people were happy, though. They were protected and had plenty of resources. "

"Did he... did he ever say something about returning to me? I mean if it wasn't for my health, would he have come back? Did he ever mention me?"

Zayn smiled and nodded, "Not to me but a few times I saw him staring longingly at your portrait."

"He asked my brother if I had found a mate," Louis spoke with waver in his voice.

"He was angry on himself, I guess. He blamed himself for keeping you unmated and wanted you to be happy."

"He is a foolish alpha," be muttered under his breath, both of them laughing at his statement.

They were silent after that, sitting in the garden quietly and taking in the serenity of the place.

"You should take a few days off after Harry comes back, spend some time with your mate," Louis said after a while, caressing his bump with delicate strokes, "I know you have been spending more time in the palace because of to me."

"It's alright. You don't need to do that."

"No, you will take off, it's my order," Louis pursed his lips but broke into a grin no later, "And don't worry about Harry, I'll convince him," he winked with a giggle.

Zayn rolled his eyes with a smile, "Of course you will." He sat up straight and made a face of concentration before speaking, "Can I like-- umm- Can I touch your bump?"

The omega's eyes brightened and he nodded his head in a haste, "Yes, Of course, my babies should know you, too. Speak to them, they respond with kicks if they like someone."

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