Chapter 8

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"You have completely forgotten me since your alpha came back," the beta pouted, turning away and faking his sobs of sadness.

The omega and his best friend were in the omega's chamber. Although, Niall was Liam's beta and should be with him, he still preferred doing chores that got him to spend time with the prince.

For instance, he was ironing the omega's clothes as the said omega was sprawled on the matress in eagle shape.

The chamber got filled with the little wolf's giggles. "Ni, I can never forget you. You have been there for me in his absence, I would never replace you, you fool," he said as he hoisted himself on his elbows.

The beta put away the steaming iron and stacked the royal's clothes in his cupboard alongside Harry's. He plopped on his bed beside him, running his hands through the omega's hair. "Fine, so tell me when was the last time you talked with me?"

The feathery haired wolf thought about it and pouted sadly as it dawned him that they hadn't conversed since his alpha had arrived.

"You are right. I am sorry, Ni," he apologized heartily.

Niall shrugged and sat up. "It's not your fault. Master doesn't let anyone other than omegas near you. He is way too protective of you."

"I didn't know that," his eyebrows furrowed. He loved that his mate was protective but he had no right to restrain him from meeting his friends. Also, he wondered whether Niall approved of his alpha or not. The thought of two people, who had high significance in his life, hating each other bothered him. "Do you hate him, Ni?"

The beta looked at him like he had grown three heads. "Are you kidding, Lou? Why would I hate him?" Niall laid beside him again and they stared at the ceiling. "We all used to be great friends. You, Me, Harry, Liam and Zayn; but then he changed, a lot. He is no more the kind hearted alpha we used to know, he has changed into 'Master'," he stopped, not wanting to hurt Louis by saying that Harry had become cold-hearted. "I don't hate him, I could never, in fact I am so grateful that he returned, you look so much healthy, so happy and chirpy, just like the old times," he continued, not disclosing the thoughts running through his mind. Louis didn't need to know what the Cheshire king was actually capable of. He didn't want to scare the omega of his own mate. "He is the ideal mate for you, just a bit too protective," he looked at Louis and smiled, which was returned.

"But he is my protective alpha," the omega sighed dreamily.

Niall chuckled and nodded. "We all know that, you love sick puppy."

"Hey!" Louis swatted at his chest. "I am not a love sick puppy. I am rugged and masculine, I can defeat you," he challenged, causing both of them to chortle at his empty threat. "How did you get in if he doesn't let other's near me?" The little wolf asked after a moment of silence.

The beta looked at his friend sheepishly. "I was on duty outside your chamber and just slipped in," he winked mischievously. "So you will leave when you get mated," it wasn't a question but a statement. The beta turned to look at his friend, his expression forlorn and wretched. "Will you visit your best friend or will you forget me for the sake of your new life?" He asked with a fraught voice and stood up.

The omega saw his friend's eyes get glazed. He rolled over, standing beside him and hugged him tightly. "I would always visit you, Ni-Ni," he whispered in his neck.

The pair had been close when they were younger, but after the preeminent had stopped meeting his mate, they became closer. Niall was his only rock beside his brother. Whenever the king was busy with battles or other issues, it was Niall who reassured him and made him smile.

The omega would never give up on someone who was by his side in his tough times. He was determined to let his alpha know that he won't stop meeting his friend only because Harry was jealous and possessive.

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