Chapter 6

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Harry had a fond look on his face as he heard his mate giggle from where he was hiding his laugh in the alpha's neck.

He shifted to let the omega rest between his legs. Louis looked up at him in mischief, trying to disguise it as innocence. The sight in front of the brute alpha was alluring him into skipping all the talk, only to take away all the innocence his mate possessed.

He pulled out the swollen lip from his omega's mouth and leaned forward to suck on it, swallowing the gasp emitted by Louis and leisurely licked through the wetness of his mouth.

The alpha caressed his mate's prominent collar bone after parting their lips. "So beautiful," he whispered and smiled, witnessing the colour bloom on the little wolf's cheeks.

"Tell me why you didn't return for so long," Louis murmured, tilting his head to a side, looking like a lost puppy.

His heart clenched at the thought of his omega curling under sheets and yearning for his mate for protection and for love.

"I am not how I used to be, Lou. I have changed," he sighed at the confused look that Louis gave him. "I was afraid that I would hurt you. I still am and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself when the day comes," he spoke too softly to be audible.

Louis leaned forward and buried his face in the crook of the alpha's neck, his arms wounding around his shoulders, "I know you would never do that. Not to me. You should not be afraid of anything, love."

The alpha sighed, wrapping his arms around his mate's waist and pulling him closer. He didn't say anything, just relished in the proximity of their bodies.

"Can you live without me, Haz?" Louis asked after minutes of silence.

"No," Harry answered instantly, his grip tightening involuntarily. "I can't even think about it. You are the reason that I have not become a complete monster, Lou."

Louis smiled against his neck, kissing the rough skin and humming in delight. "Then you can never harm me, alpha."

"I hope you are right, baby," Harry murmured and carded the feathery hair of his innocent mate. "Forget about it. I am back now and don't plan on leaving you ever. You are trapped with me for a lifetime, my omega," he flipped over and pinned the said omega on the ground. His expression was playful and flirting.

Louis giggled and tried to unfetter from the restrains of his alpha's arms, but gave up when Harry laid down on his chest.

"Love you," Harry whispered and kissed between his pectorals.

"Love you more."

Harry looked up at him with narrowed eyes. Looming over him, he ran his finger on his mating spot and saw goosebumps arise on the blue eyed omega's neck. "Don't even start with me, darling," he spoke with a hint of alpha voice and sunk his fangs on where he would create a bond mark in the near future, he tugged for Louis to feel the connection and immense love that he had only for one person in the entire world. "Love you the most," he whispered and pecked his lips.

Louis keened under all the attention he was receiving from his alpha and craned his lips in want of those lips to be back on his, humming in content when Harry gave the omega what he wanted.

"I thought that I was not worthy enough for you, that I was fat and ugly. So, I stopped eating. It caused me to feel weak and dizzy but I started losing weight, and hoped that you will accept me," the omega saw disappointment crossing over his mate's face but continued nonetheless, he had to be honest with his mate. "Sometimes, it wasn't just that. I missed you so much that I forgot about other things and eventually I didn't feel the need to eat," he gulped before whispering the next words. "Or live."

A low growl ripped through the brute alpha's chest. "I hate myself to make you feel this way," he buried his face in Louis' neck. "I am so sorry, love. Please don't ever think that about yourself. You are the most beautiful and precious omega, and you are all mine."

"All yours," Louis whispered.


They spent the rest of their afternoon under the shades of canopies present in the vast greenery spreading across the garden.

The alpha had turned in his back after a while - not deeming correct how Louis was lying under him when he was still recovering - to let his mate get comfortable on his chest.

A smile broke on his face when the little wolf curled around his body and shielded the rays of afternoon sun by burying his face in the alpha's neck.

He took off his crown and placed it on the head of the beauty sleeping in his arms. The totem of his kingdom shone brightly sitting atop his mate's head. It belonged there, suited Louis so well to be wearing the crown. A sapphire jewel would look dazzling, Harry decided, for Louis' crown.

Looking at Louis this way, left him with no doubt that it was next to Elysium to have such a beautiful mate.

"I am going to mark you as mine in your next heat, little one," the alpha promised to the sleeping figure.

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