Chapter 16

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"No, Louis I won't let you," Harry said with a finality in his tone and with a tick in his jaw. He walked out of their bed chamber and knew instantly that the six and a half month pregnant wolf was following him, probably with a scowl on his features and knitted brows.

He didn't turn or paid any attention to him, striding straight to the courtroom and sitting on his throne. His eyes followed his mate's body as he sat beside him, a frown on his beautiful, pink lips.

They heard a farmer's complaint on a certain land dispute for the following hour and tried their best to solve the dispute without any major consequences. Once both the men were satisfied from what they got, they bowed to their alpha and luna and left the palace courtroom.

"Solitude," the omega commanded to all the betas inside the courtroom.

The preeminent huffed and grumbled under his breath, "We are done with that conversation, I am not discussing it again," he made a move to stand but came to a hault when his mate's hand slipped along his and their fingers intertwined.

He turned and saw sadness marring his mate's eyes, he sunk to his knees in front his omega who was sitting on his throne and craddled his cheeks in his calloused hands, "I won't do that, no matter what."

"But why?" The omega whimpered, leaning into the alpha's touch.

"I can't hurt you or our babies, please love, try to understand," he pleaded.

The omega pushed his hands away from his face and scowled at him, "Maybe you are just making excuses because in actual you don't want me anymore. I am fat, right? Or maybe you are bored-"

"Enough!" Harry growled at him, the veins in his neck popping and his jaw clenched, "Don't you ever say that about yourself!" He snarled at the cowering figure of his husband before taking a calming breath, "I love you more than anything else, Lou. You are the most beautiful person ever, but I can't risk your or my pups' health and safety," his voice was soft and trailed to a whisper by the end.

"You won't hurt us, alpha. And my body is made to help you out in your rut even while I am pregnant, nothing will happen, please let me be with you in your rut," Louis pleaded with watery eyes, his hormones changing his mood in a snap of a finger.

"But, love-"

"You need your mate in your ruts, every alpha does, it would be tiring if you spend it alone," the little wolf tried to argue, "And you don't deny me when I need you, then why can't I be with you in your rut?"

The preeminent shook his head and stood up, turning away from the wolf whose sadness could be felt from a mile away.

"This is different, Louis. I have spent my ruts alone before we were mated, and I will do it this time, too. I can't even tolerate the thought of any one of you getting hurt," he stated and stepped down from the raised platform.

"Please, Harry," his mate's whimper stopped him yet again, "Please."

He sighed and closed his eyes, walking back to his pregnant mate. He stood in front of his lover's sniffling body and helped him stand up, letting himself be pulled in a tight embrace around his torso.

"Don't you want me with you in your rut?" Louis asked him, soaking his red, royal coat with tears, not that any of them minded.

Harry hugged him back, burying his nose in his omega's feathery hair and inhaling his flowery scent. "You don't know how much I want you to be there, but what if I lose my control and be rough with you? You don't want that, do you?"

He felt Louis shaking his head against his chest and sighed, hoping that his stubborn mate would finally drop the subject.

"I know you won't do that, please, Hazza, you can't deny your mate to help you in your ruts," the omega begged and stated together, "If you deny me, I'll think that you don't love me anymore."

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