Chapter 10

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The omega stood in front of the mirror, inside his boudoir, admiring the engraved black mark on his neck.

He was clad in a satin, royal blue robe, the material vaneering his tan skin which was blossoming with crimson. A similar bloom donned his cheeks, making his flesh warmer than it was three days prior.

His heat had lasted for a total of three days, shortest he had ever gone through.

The word 'mated' was adequate in itself to flush his core and body whenever he though about their bond.

The differences he felt from before were colossal, but he was unable to point or state them. He could feel the changes inside, could feel his emotions and thoughts being united with the brute male.

His body was urging him to run through the gates of the castle and to be with his alpha who was on the other side of the citadel.

But the doors of his boudoir were guarded and he was allowed only to walk to his chamber.

The ritual required the royal mates to not to see each other after mating until the masquerade ball that was held at night to celebrate the event.

The feeling of giddiness seeped through his veins, causing the adrenaline to rush through his system and for his brain to seek ways to deceive the guards and be back in his mate's warm and loving embrace.

He knew his alpha could read all the scenarios his mind was imagining, and thus, it was the only thing keeping him in place. The urge to not to disappoint his mate by breaking the rituals had grounded his feet to their place.

The unstoppable chain of thoughts lead him to remember the touches his body experienced when he was in heat. The feel of blemished lips on his skin was still fresh, making him shudder in want.

He remembered the feeling of the stretch of his hole as his alpha had penetrated him. Scraped hands which held him down when he writhed. The same hands keeping him upright as he was taken against the walls of the solar, bending him over mahogany table as he was penetrated from behind, and caressing his body to bring down from his high.

He squeezed his thighs as slick drizzled out. His bond mark heating, a warning by his mate to tame his sinful thoughts.

Even knowing that his fantasies will make it difficult for his alpha to maintain distance with him, did nothing to break his trance.

The growl that echoed inside him by his alpha as another warning only provided in more slick running down his soft skin.

But a knock on the gate finally seized his wild reverie.

"Louis," he heard Sophia calling him.

"Come in," he answered politely after he had eased his system.

The queen entered with servants and maids in tow, ready to bathe and dress the prince in the best attire.

The actual wedding would take place in Cheshire, where the omega would be crowned as King and the kingdom would meet their Luna.

Tonight was a celebration for the people to rejoice the mating of their prince and the preeminent.

Two maids helped him settle down in the bath which was prepared with scented oils. Seductive and pleasuring fragrance surrounded his senses.

He was dressed in a white, frilly shirt, black trousers and a white, royal coat adorning his look.

A servant presented him his mask for the masquerade, to complete his look. Black metal carved into wired design, with studded diamonds magnifying its beauty.

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