Chapter 1

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Six Years Later

There was light knock at the door of the omega's private chamber.

"Come in," Louis spoke softly, setting down his book on Greek mythology.

"Greetings, Prince Louis. His majesty has requested your presence," the maid spoke, her head bowed in respect.

"I'll be there in a minute." Louis answered and the maid left after a subtle nod.

The omega got up from his study table and collected the books kept there. After arranging them on the shelves, he put on his coat and walked towards his brother's room.

"You asked for me, Liam?" He questioned after entering the chamber.

Liam smiled warmly at his younger brother. "Yes, I did," he patted the seat beside himself for the omega to sit on, "I'm glad you are recovering." As Louis made himself comfortable, Liam asked, "How are you feeling?"

"I feel much better. I am eating properly now." Louis hesitated for a second before asking, "Y-You haven't told him about my health, right?"

"No, I have not." Liam sighed, "He was asking about how you are and whether you have found an alpha or not?"

A searing pain shot through his chest. How could the man even think he would ever be able to find another alpha? He clenched his eyes as a lone tear threatened to escape and betray him. He wouldn't cry over the alpha who left him with a broken promise. "I promised him that I'll wait for him. How can he even think that?"

Liam hugged his younger brother, "I told him that you are waiting for him to return to you, but he says that he is not worthy of you."

"Not worthy?" Louis scoffed, hurt rising in his chest. The alpha could have been a mere peasant and Louis would still seek his love above anything. His alpha was more than worthy of him. "Does he not realise that I love him? That despite his broken promise I still want him back? I want to hear him say that he loves me, that he cares for me, that the promises he made weren't empty."

Liam rubbed the little wolf's back, aware of how much his brother was hurting with each passing day. "I know, and he does love you. He has just built up his walls, his father's death has affected him too much," he lied.

Liam had supported Louis through everything. He had witnessed his brother crumble from a cheery, bubbly omega to a dying one, fighting for life as his alpha stayed miles away from him. He had done everything in his power to get back his brother, but he was only successful in keeping him alive. The happy omega he once knew was buried deep into the mud.

Liam did not blame Harry for it, because every time he met Harry and told him that Louis was not happy anymore, he saw a part of Harry's soul getting crushed. He knew why Harry kept Louis away from him. The Cheshire King had grown too powerful and too cold, unrelenting towards his people. He had won each battle and it brought him glory, wealth and fear from everyone else.

His power was the reason he stayed away from the love of his life. He was afraid that someday he will get too angry about something and will use his strength on Louis in the wrong way, and he would never be able to forgive himself after that. It would kill him.

Liam had tried to persuade him that he could never raise his hand on Louis but those pleads had fallen on deaf ears. He knew he had to do something soon, else he might lose his brother and his best friend.

"Let's go out in the garden, yeah?" Liam offered, hoping the fresh air would do the omega some good.

Louis just nodded silently.

They went to their garden, the weather was starting to get cold, winter was arriving and so was Louis' birthday, he would turn twenty one this year, unmated and immaculate, waiting for his alpha to return.

As they walked in content silence, their guards kept a close watch on their security. They passed the tree and Louis suddenly stopped. It was the tree under which Louis and Harry would sit for hours in each other's arms, either talking or doing absolutely nothing. They would sit in silence, sated to be sitting with their future mate and cherishing each moment. Who thought time would change so soon and that tree would be on the verge of death?

Liam wrapped an arm around Louis' shoulder, "It'll be fine, brother. He'll come back."

Louis looked down and whispered, "I hope so."

When they went back inside, Louis retired to his room for his afternoon nap while Liam went to his study to write a letter to the Cheshire King. He knew it was time he let Harry know the truth about Louis' health. It was the only way to make him come back and save his little brother from further suffering.

Your Majesty,

I apologize in advance for not telling you the complete truth about my younger brother's health when you asked me earlier.

Louis has been under weather lately. The past year has been difficult on him.. His diet has dropped and so has his weight. A few months back, he was just bones and no skin. At that time, the doctors had given up on any hope of his survival. The news of your victory in a great battle had brought him happiness and treated him.

He is better now, I would like to believe as he has started to eat little. But I know that would be a lie. He is dying inside with each passing day. He longs for his alpha's return and approval. To be accepted by his mate.

I'm not sure for how long will he be able to cope without you. He needs you, Your Majesty. He goes through sleepless nights one after the other. The little sleep he does get is filled with his cries for you to return as you promised him. I would be waiting for your reply and for you too, hopefully.

Save my brother, I beg of you.

King of Doncaster.

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