Chapter 19

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The omega stood awestruck by the view in front of his eyes.

It was still a week and a day to his due date, making it a day prior to when his brother would be there. It would be an understatement to say that he was excited to finally be able to hold his pups, but today was not the day to think about that.

The castle was vacant, just him and his mate inside the huge building. Of course, there were guards, but they were outside and around the palace.

His cerulean eyes took in every change inside the hall. The whole room was lit up with wax candles, each surface shining with reflection of the flames, in place of the large dining table was a round glass table with two seats, warmth blanketing the heat emitted from the fireplace, white lilies placed in a vase at the middle of the table, his favourite. A smile spread on his lips as he saw the wine glasses filled with cranberry juice, covered plates sitting beside them.

"You did this all for me?" The luna looked up at his mate, leaning into the comforting touch of his mate's hand on his cheek.

"Who else, love?" Harry replied, rubbing his back with other hand, "Only for you. Tonight, it's just about you and me, no one else."

He was guided carefully to one of the chairs, a hand splayed on his lower back to support him. Their fingers intertwined over the table as soon as the alpha was seated in front of him.

Heat spread over his cheeks as he looked at the expression of pure adoration and admiration his mate had.

"I love you," Harry spoke in a low voice. Louis bit his lip as the feared-by-all king traced the wedding ring on his finger.

"And I love you," the omega breathed out, getting emotional just from the little gestures. "You did all of this alone?" He asked, wanting to distract himself and prevent himself from crying.

The alpha blushed and the omega had to do a double take, his mate was blushing!

"I-- Yes," the alpha ducked his head to hide how hard he was blushing. It was a stereotype that only omega's had to please their alphas, but Harry had never been one of those. He was proud of the fact that he wanted to please his mate just as much as his luna did. "I wanted to please you."

"You always do, alpha," the omega whispered, tilting the other king's face up by his small hand. "And you did this time, too."

"I'm glad," Harry smiled, "I wanted to have time for just the two of us, one last time before we actually become parents." He let out a breath before continuing, "I am the luckiest alpha to have you by my side, and I am even more lucky that, despite my foolish decision, you took me as your mate. And you are carrying my children, how did I become so fortunate? I just want to tell you and show you how much I love you, how I would go an extra mile each time to see a smile on your pretty face. I love you and I would do anything in my power to always keep you happy."

The omega had watery eyes and a soft smile, he giggled and placed a kiss on the alpha's hand which he was holding, "It seems like you are proposing to me."

Harry chuckled and nodded, "I just realised that I never actually did that."

"Doesn't matter," Louis shrugged and caressed the back of his husband's hand, "I'd marry you a thousand times, and you can propose to me in a different way each time."

Harry leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on his lips. "I cooked this," the alpha gestured to the plates, "I hope it's not that bad."

They ate while gazing at each other as if they had all the time in the world, the omega praising and moaning at the taste every now and then.

Once they were done with the dinner, Harry put aside the plates and shifted his chair closer to his luna's. They sat there looking at each other, holding hands and sharing kisses.

"I love you," Louis mumbled after a while, "I am gonna miss this, miss just being you and me."

"We can always ask Martha to take care of our pups once they are big enough to stay without us for a few hours," the preeminent replied, kissing the little wolf's forehead and rubbing his back. "Wanna dance?"

"What? No," Louis shook his head and made his husband laugh. He pouted and swatted his mate's chest, snuggling into it a moment later, "It's not my fault that I am pregnant and can hardly walk."

"Hey," the alpha spoke softly, "I was not teasing you. I really want you to dance with me, and I am always here to hold you."

The omega chewed his lip, "Are you sure? I am so heav-"

"No," Harry cut him off and pecked his lips, standing up and helping him, too, "You are carrying our pups. You are gorgeous and mine."

The omega blushed, fitting himself carefully around the alpha's torso. His right arm around his mate's waist and other on the toned chest, beside his own head. They swayed back and forth as Harry hummed a sweet and calm tone in his ear, holding him close.

It was not actual dancing, just swaying on a spot, but neither were complaining, they were contented with just being in each other's arms.

"You know what, Haz?" He continued after the man hummed, "I wouldn't change a thing that happened with us. I don't regret that you stayed away from me for so long, maybe it happened for the best. Look how happy we are."

"You really think that?"

"Mhm, I really do think that. And I would have waited a lot longer just to be with you," Louis answered, looking up to be met with teary, green eyes, "Haz?"

"I love you," was all Harry could reply with.

"I love you, too," the omega smiled and wiped the stray tear from under his husband's eye.

They were both happy with the way everything turned out, after all, all that mattered was that they were together, and happy, and soon-to-be parents of three little pups.


I have decided to edit only a few things rather than the whole chapters. I want to be done with editing this so that I can complete my other works as well. :)

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