Chapter 11

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The light emitting through the fireplace was shining in those emerald eyes that Louis loved to no extent. He snuggled into the alpha's chest as his bond mark was kissed repeatedly.

It had been a week since they came to Cheshire. The omega was welcomed with respect and esteem. People were in glee when they saw the similar bond marks on their king's and Doncaster prince's neck.

There hadn't been any celebration yet, for a grand ball was to be held after their wedding and Louis' coronation as the king.

The royals from Doncaster were to be in Cheshire a day prior to the wedding. The Cheshire king had made sure that everything was ready to welcome his to-be-in-laws.

For now, they were cuddled on a couch near the fireplace, a blanket covering their tangled bodies.. The little wolf kept nipping at his alpha's neck, next to his mark, with his pointed canines.

"What are you trying to do, my immaculate wolf?" The alpha asked him, a smile greeting at his normally scathing features.

The omega blushed to a deep crimson hue. He shook his head and kissed the preeminent on his cheek. "Nothing, and I am no longer immaculate," he whispered, adjusting a little from where he was laying partially on top of the alpha, his lower half on the couch.

Harry let him get comfortable before covering him again with the blanket.

"You will always be my immaculate wolf, no matter how many times I ruin you," the alpha whispered to him before moulding their lips together. "My pretty wolf, my little wolf," he murmured into their kiss, tasting the wine that they had shared after dinner on the omega's lips.

He nuzzled at his little wolf's neck and pulled back with a scrunched face. "You smell different," he commented, sniffing a little more with a groan.

"What kind of different?" The omega asked, his insecurity not going unnoticed by his alpha.

Harry smiled and kissed Louis assuringly. "A really good different," he murmured, "Makes me want to keep you even closer, however impossible it may sound."

Louis bit his lower lip to keep himself from grinning like a fool in love, which he definitely was. He watched as Harry took his left hand and kissed the ring he had given him years ago.

"Soon, it'll be replaced by my kingdom's wedding ring," he sighed dreamily making the omega chuckle at his cuteness. "Can't wait no more, baby," he stood up with the omega in his arms, walking toward their bed.

"Just three more days, alpha, and I am already yours, always have been," Louis whispered in his ear, kissing beneath it and trailing little pecks all over his neck.

"But it's three full days, love," the Cheshire king pouted, causing his mate to giggle and bop their noses together.

"You are so cute," the omega whispered, blushing as he was lowered onto the mattress, his alpha hovering above him.

Harry tsked before kissing his lips. "If anyone is cute then it is only you, baby," he breathed against his lips, "And your blush justifies my statement, my innocent pup."

Louis giggled but shook his head. "I am not as innocent as you think."

"Mhm?" Harry raised his eyebrow at him, "And what do you have to prove that?"

The little wolf grazed his fingers on his alpha's naked chest. "Well, I can help you in making these three days pass by sooner," he bit his lip suggestively, licking it as he saw his mate's eyes get darkened.

"And how will you do that?" Harry's voice was huskier, filled with lust.

"Oh, I have many ways, alpha," the omega kissed at the corner of his mouth, making the alpha leave a throaty moan. He  pushed Harry on his back and kissed down his chest, stopping to lick through his abs and let his tongue tease at the waistline of his bottoms before mouthing at his clothed member.

"Don't be a tease, little one," the alpha warned him, making chills run down his spine.

He removed the article with his delicate fingers and licked at the dripping slit, smiling as he heard his mate exhale a breathy moan of his name.


Louis sprung out of the bed, jerking the king awake in his motions, as he ran for the toilet. He sunk down to his knees and emptied the remnants of food from the previous night.

He sighed as a large hand rubbed his back. The omega heaved after retching again and leaned back in his mate's arms, letting out a sob.

"Hey, hey, shh, it's okay, darling," Harry gently lifted him up, carrying him to the sink, helping him wash his mouth and hands. He let Louis rest his weight on his body while aiding him clean up.

"How are you feeling, baby?" The alpha asked after sitting on the bed, Louis' head resting on his lap as he stroked his cheek, pressing his palm to the omega's forehead.

Louis snuggled closer to him, little whimpers leaving his mouth. "Fine, just a bit queasy," he whispered softly.

The brute male gazed at him worriedly. "I'll call the doctor in the morning."

The omega shook his head. "I am fine, just want to be near you," he crawled up on his mate's body, cuddling close to him.

Harry tightened his hold around Louis, kissing under his ear softly. "I am right here, always next to you, little one," he pecked his lips, "Just don't want you to get sick, tell me honestly, are you alright?"

Louis looked up at his caring mate and nuzzled his cheek in affection. "I am alright, alpha, a little tired but I am fine."

"Okay," he nodded, "Go to sleep, it's only 3AM. And if you are still feeling down in the morning, I am calling the doctor for you."

The omega nodded and rested his cheek on the alpha's chest as he drifted off to sleep again.

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