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Six Years Later

The sunshine peeked in through the slightly parted maroon drapes, flowing seamlessly inside the quiet chamber except for the alpha's light snores.

The omega watched his beloved husband's sleeping figure quietly, drinking in his muscular body. His fingers threading through the silky curls, lightly scratching the scalp and enjoying the way his alpha's lips gave an upturn at the corners.

Leaning his head closer, he placed a fleeting kiss on the brute male's cheek. His fingers trailed down the alpha's naked back, delicately touching the rigid skin, tracing the scars which refused to heal from all those years ago.

His eyes wandered back to his mate's face, taking in every detail as if he hadn't been waking up next to him since last seven years. Instead of being propped on his elbow, he sat up to admire the beauteous man sleeping next to him.

"You are staring," his mate's voice was heavy with sleep, despite being a mumble.

"I know," he replied, swiping his thumb slowly over the alpha's lip, blushing as his mate kissed it.

"You still blush from these gestures," the alpha noted with a smile, his eyes still close.

"You aren't even looking," he spoke with a smile of his own, laying down again beside the green eyed king.

The alpha wrapped his arm around his petite waist to pull him close and nuzzle at his bond mark, "I don't need to."

The omega kissed behind the alpha's ear, pulling back a little to whisper, "Happy birthday, my love."

The Cheshire king blinked open his eyes, giving a sleepy smile to the blue eyed omega, "I turn thirty one today, I feel so old." He propped up on his elbow to look down at Louis, who giggled and shook his head. "But thank you, my darling," he replied and tucked his face in the omega's neck to place feathery kisses over his mark.

The omega's hands slid down his alpha's back to brush at his arse, "You should put on some clothes, our little devils would be here any moment to wish their Papa."

Harry let out a light chuckle and nipped at his mate's jaw, "But I thought you would give me my birthday present, wouldn't you?"

"Patience is the key, alpha," Louis patted his cheek, "We had sex last night, so you already got your gift."

"But I want it again," Harry pleaded.

"Put on something, I don't want my children to see their father naked."

"Alright, but my kiss?" The alpha pouted, making the omega giggle and place a small kiss on his lips.

Louis watched as his husband stood up from the bed, his eyes going instinctively to man's semi-hard length. He sat up against the headboard to enjoy the view but pouted as the alpha put on a pair of black sweats before walking back to him and slipping under the covers.

He let out a tiny squeak as the alpha bundled him in his arms and pulled him on his lap, kissing behind his ears and on his cheeks.

"I have to tell you something," Louis bit his lip with a blush.

The door to their chamber opened and two distinct giggles filtered the room, the third one's voice following them, "Addy, Liz, be careful, you might fall."

"Later," the alpha said.

Louis got off his mate's lap to let his children attack him with their hugs.

The two omegas ran up to their parents, climbing on the bed and clinging onto Harry, who had his arms open for his pups.

The alpha kissed Adrian and Elizabeth's cheeks, thanking them as they wished him. He looked up to see Lucius standing at the foot of the bed with a smile. As the two omegas got off his lap to cuddle to their dad, Lucius crawled up the bed and settled in his embrace.

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