Chapter 2

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Harry saw red.

A single piece of paper had made his blood boil like never before. His omega had been suffering and no one informed him! His mind was in a jumble of anger and sadness; both directed mainly towards himself. How could he not know that his mate was in despair? How could he make his love stay away from him? He was a cruel, cruel alpha. His omega deserved so much better.

What would have Louis thought? That I was not there to save him? That I forgot my promise? That I do not love him? That I am a bad Alpha? His thoughts mocked him, he was the worst mate and Louis was cursed to be bound to him.

The messenger who had brought the letter was still dutifully waiting, head lowered in fear or respect, who knew.

The alpha king knew that he would lash out and hurt someone for no reason if he wasn't left alone.

"Get out!" He growled in a deep voice, a tone that could scare any soul.

Harry pinched the bridge of his nose as another growl left his throat, realising what a disaster it was to stay away from his mate, all it had achieved was to cause pain to both of them. Soon his anger turned into sorrow, he missed his little wolf even more now, knowing that he couldn't be with him in his hard times, knowing that he was the reason behind Louis' unhappiness.

A tear slipped past his eye, down his cheek and fell on his lap as he thought more and more about the messed up situation. He needed to get to Louis as soon as possible, it had been a lot longer than he intended to stay away and it did not benefit either of them.

Everything was arranged within next few days. The horses were groomed and saddled for departure. Carts loaded with the requirements of the journey.

"For how long will you be away, Master?" The kingdom's beta asked.

"Nothing can be said. I expect you to take my place in my absence," he commanded Zayn as he stood by his horse, eager to leave the land and start the journey.

It took three whole days for them to reach Doncaster, each passing day felt like an eternity to the alpha, the distance between him and his mate was finally hitting home and making him dread whether he had been too late.

The horses trotted through the gates of Doncaster, people clearing the way as they realised who the king was. Even though Cheshire was the most feared kingdom, it also was the most respected one amongst its allies.

The palace guards lowered their defences upon seeing that the approaching hoard was not of an enemy.

Harry stepped down from his horse and walked inside the castle without a word, going straight to Liam's chamber. None of the guards tried to stop the raging alpha king, they would get reprimanded for it but no sane man would ever step in the way of an alpha seeking for his mate.

"Where is he?" Harry demanded as soon as he saw Liam sitting by the table with his wife occupying the other chair.

"I am glad that you came at earliest," Liam spoke calmly rather than answering to the Cheshire King's query. Although, he had visited Harry a few times in Cheshire, he was still unable to wrap his mind around the way he now looked. He had scars marring his skin, an angry vein popping through his forehead at all times, muscles bulky enough to kill someone in a hand-to-hand combat.

"I told you to never lie to me about Louis. Why did you?" Harry growled, his expression hard and jaw fixed, hands clenching by his sides to keep him from ripping the man's head.

Liam would not admit out loud but he was scared of Harry's wrath at the moment. It was no wonder why everyone feared him, "I didn't mean to, but Louis never wanted you to know and worry about him."

Harry huffed, taking in deep breaths to control himself, asking again in a calmer voice, "Where is he?"

"He is in his chamber," Liam replied.

A commotion outside interrupted whatever Harry was going to say.

The two kings went out to inspect what was going on. A few nurses were going in and out of a chamber, and upon a closer look, Harry recognised it as his omega's private chamber.

"What's going on?" Liam asked, his eyes frantic as they walked hurriedly towards the chamber.

"Prince Louis hasn't woken up since morning, despite our many attempts he is unresponsive. The nurses say that he might have fainted in his sleep and his health is dropping constantly," the royal beta replied to his king.

While Liam was asking about what happened and sent his two men to call the doctors, Harry was fixed at the same spot. His eyes wide and breath knocked out due to the vulnerable sight of his omega. What Liam had written did not do any justice to his omega's state, Louis was even more damaged.

Harry snapped out of his trance as the guards standing inside the chamber asked him to leave the Prince alone.

"Stay away!" Harry growled, his alpha voice in full use, weakening anyone who tried to come between him and his omega.

The guards backed off, bowing their heads and leaving the chamber when Liam commanded. The Yorkshire King left the chamber as well, giving some privacy to the couple.

Harry took in the sight of his omega, his wolf whining in pain for his mate. He took slow steps towards Louis and stood by his bed.

Louis' health was poor, his weight much less than it should have been. There was no colour in his cheeks, no red tint to his face. His bones could be easily seen under the skin. The red of his lips was replaced by a pale pink. His high cheekbones, which used to make Harry salivate, were now hollow.

Harry sat down on the mattress beside his mate and gently lifted his hand in both of his, caressing the knuckles and placing a kiss on each. "I am sorry," he whispered to the unconscious wolf. He placed a light kiss to the little wolf's head, running a finger down his cheek.

"Look at me, my love. I came back, a little late, but here I am," a tear escaped his eye, quickly wiped away before anyone could see the fearless king being vulnerable. "Wake up, love. Won't you even kiss me?"

He let his head fall at Louis' chest. "I love you. I am so sorry to have made you suffer like this. Please, forgive me. Please, look at me, baby."

He received a whimper in response, and for now, that was enough for him.

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