Chapter 3

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There was a knock on the chamber's door before Liam entered with an alpha doctor and two beta nurses following after him. The doctor stepped forward to inspect Louis, but was only met with Harry's threatening growl, rumbling through his chest, daring anyone to even touch his omega.

Harry was holding Louis to his chest. Warming his omega's cold body with his own heat.

"Harry, you have to let them check up on him. They are just going to take care of him," Liam tried to reassure, completely aware of how possessive Harry had always been. "If it makes you feel better, I'll ask Sophia to see to his needs personally from now onwards."

Sophia was Liam's mate, the queen of Doncaster and had specialisation in the medical field.

The Cheshire king growled again in warning to the third alpha in the room but agreed with a stiff nod. He did not trust any other alpha with his Louis but had to agree reluctantly.

"Had he been taking his diet properly?" The doctor asked after examining the omega. Harry had pulled Louis back in his arms as soon as the doctor was done, making the wolf scent like him.

"I am afraid not," Liam answered in shame, feeling remorse that he could not take care of his younger brother.

In the mean time, the nurses prepared a liquid which would suffice the omega's lack of nutrition for a while. Harry kept a strict watch on what they were doing, eager for them hurry and leave them in peace. His wolf just wanted to take of the omega in isolation, with no one tainting the calm environment an alpha would create for his omega's safety.

They left after Liam told them that Sophia would prepare the liquid later when needed again.

"How many times has another alpha touched him?" The Cheshire king asked when they were outside Louis' bed chamber. Harry's gaze was hard and demanding, the mere thought of some other alpha being in contact with his mate, made his blood boil. Unfortunately, he was the only one to blame here, had he not been stubborn, such a situation would not have risen.

Liam sighed, everything going on was fuelling Harry's anger. He had thought that once the Cheshire king arrived, his brother and him would resolve whatever was going on and things would be fine. But it seemed as if the moon goddess was testing him.

"Never, other than me of course, but he is my brother-"

"I never said anything against that," Harry defended, he wasn't the one to break two brothers' bond.

"Right, I am sorry I put it that way," Liam apologised and continued, "You should take some rest, the journey must have tired you."

"No, I am fine. My mind wouldn't be at ease of I am away from him after everything."

"Let me know if you need something," Liam offered and was about to turn when Harry interrupted.

"Have my belongings sent to a private chamber, will you? I'll stay with him and take care of him until he wakes up. After that he will be sleeping with me in the other chamber until he recovers. Make sure no one bothers us," Harry spoke calmly, in control of his anger as he could finally hold his omega without being disturbed.

"Of course."

With that he turned around and entered the chamber, closing and locking the doors behind him.

He sat beside his unconscious mate, holding his hand gently in his larger one and pressing a kiss to the back of it.

"Amongst the two of us, I was sure that you would keep your promise," Harry spoke in a low tone after laying beside Louis. "Why didn't you take care of yourself, baby? Is this my punishment for staying away? If so, it is really cruel. I know I deserve whatever punishment you deem correct but not this. It pains me to see you like this. Wake up, Lou. You are my cheery omega who is always happy," the king wept silently, "What have I done to you?"

Sleep overtook his senses, but he felt a small squeeze to his palm before his eyes feel shut.


Harry refused to leave Louis' side, he used the adjoining bath and ate beside the omega, his guilt of separation was eating him and he couldn't bear another moment away from the little wolf.

As night fell, the alpha had made Louis drink the liquid completely. Sophia had given another vial before he retired to the chamber.

He took off his upper wear and laid in the bed wearing only his bottoms, pulling Louis in his arms to warm the omega's still cool skin. He had made a pseudo nest on the mattress to bring comfort to his little mate. It seemed to be working as Louis was breathing properly and not struggling in his sleep.

"Alpha... H-Harry," Louis' voice was scratchy, shifting closer even in his unconscious state to the known body.

Harry pressed his forehead to the omega's, kissing his nose and rubbing his back as Louis settled against his chest.

"I am right here, love. Don't worry, I am not going anywhere," the alpha consoled lovingly, and his words were true, he was never leaving his mate again.

He couldn't sleep now that he was no longer tired. His worries kept him awake, checking on the little wolf every once in a while, gently massaging his legs and arms so they wouldn't get sore.

He would be doomed if he ever let his omega suffer again.

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