Chapter 4

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Harry had stayed up the whole night, taking in the sight and features of his lovely omega. Smiling every time Louis would nuzzle his nose against the alpha's neck.

Overnight, the colour of his mate's cheeks had slowly risen as the sun took over the clouded sky. Maybe it had to do more with Harry's own presence and not the medicines. But whatever it was, the Cheshire king was satisfied to see the pink that had returned and was now dusting his omega's cheeks.

Caressing the back of the small wolf, the alpha peppered his cheeks with kisses. After six years of disunion, he was unable to keep his hands off of the little wolf. And it was implicit that the alpha will never be able to get enough of this delicate creature.

Shifting the omega on his back, he propped himself on his elbow and quietly gazed the aesthetic features present before him.

Surely, Louis had been beautiful back when he was a teenager too. But, now that the alpha looked at the twenty year old, fully matured form of his mate, it was hard to subside his yearn, passion and desire for the omega.

Knowing that he shouldn't be having these fantasies when his omega's health was poorly, the alpha shook his head to snap out of the daze. A soft smile made its way on his lips as he saw his ring on Louis' finger.

The alpha stood up carefully from the mattress and made his way over to the adjoining bath. After a thorough wash, he dried and dressed himself in just a pair of trousers.

As he returned to his temporary chamber, the sight he witnessed made him stop dead in his tracks. The only other individual inside the four walls, was looking towards him.

He saw hurt, confusion, heartbreak, anger, longing but most of all, love flash through those charismatic cerulean eyes. They were wide, as if a deer caught at the other end of an arrow, mouth slightly parted, like holding a gasp halfway through, body shivering and chest heaving.

"Alpha?" The small voice was music to the king whose feet were still fixated on the same spot. He moved cautiously towards the omega, who was now sitting up on the bed.

Both of them still carried that passion for the other one in their eyes, watching other's every movement with a gingerly gaze, taking in the finest details of the beauteous person in front of them.

Harry sat down beside Louis, still gazing in those cerulean pools as if they held the key to every query in this vast cosmo. He raised his hand and placed it on the smooth skin of his omega's cheek, watching Louis' eyes flutter close at the contact, leaning into the rough yet comforting touch.

"Alpha," although, a whisper again but a more certain and confident one.

Harry gulped before responding to his mate, "Little one." He was not the same ruthless, feared-by-all king in front of the small omega, he had always been tender and delicate when it came to the feathery haired beauty.

Louis teared upon hearing the pet name, had been yearning to hear it from his alpha for so long. The touch was suddenly gone and the omega looked up at his mate longingly.

"Harry," he whimpered, his voice cracking, wanting the warmth and comfort to return.

Harry held up his finger, gesturing for the omega to wait. He picked up a glass and filled it with water, holding it to the omega's lips and silently coaxing him to drink it.

He stood up from the bed again and placed the empty glass on the nightstand before he proceeded to make his way out, but a small tug on his arm stopped him.

"Don't leave, n-not again," the whimper that followed it made the alpha come to his knees to comfort his omega.

The alpha kissed his boy's hand and said, "I am going to call your brother, alright? I am not leaving you, my love."

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