Thank you.

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Hello everyone!

Most of you know me as Jenny, because I sign off by that name.

I want to thank each and every one of you - the ones who read, or voted, or commented, or added my book to their library, and even the ones who will read it later in future.

I owe you all a big, massive thank you. I wouldn't have been able to complete this book without your support. Your comments made me happy, always. It was nice to see how you interpreted characters and took a liking to them.

There had been some downsides too, like the time when I wanted to delete this book, but you all always supported me. Thank you for that, really. It means more than you can imagine.

I never thought my story would get such recognition, you guys made me believe that if I have will, then I can do what I wanna do.

The book was started on June 24th, 2016 and completed on December 30th, 2016, making it a six month journey worth of wait.

The feeling of this book ending can not be conveyed by mere words. I am over the moon, but on the same time I feel like I lost a part of myself. It may seem overdramatic, but this is my first book and I was so attached to it, it was like a constant companion.

I will write bonus chapters and will continue my other books, but somewhere I will miss the desire to think and complete this book.

'My Precious Omega' wouldn't have been possible without any of you.

Thank you.

-Jenny. xx
(Jennifer Kaid)
December 31st, 2016.

P.s. - I was 17 when I wrote this book.

My Precious Omega (Larry ABO)Where stories live. Discover now