Chapter 15

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The six month pregnant wolf had a sparkle in his eyes as he looked over the French windows of his boudoir while sipping his evening tea, sitting slack on sofa with cushions surrounding his tiny frame and expecting belly. His feet stretched on ottoman and being massaged by a maid.

A lazy smile etched on his pink lips as he thought about his future; his pups playing and running around the green fields surrounding their castle.

Harry had set out two days ago to visit one of their companions in a neighbouring kingdom to aid them in certain matters. He was to return that evening, one of the main reasons for the warm feeling bubbling through the omega's body.

He had been restless the whole day and previous night, waiting to be back in his mate's protective embrace. Evidently, he had spent the last few days in the alpha's clothing.

The nesting process was not on a blown-out level, for his mate had a powerful, lingering scent which helped him feel protected overall. But he did love to wear Harry's sweaters.

His mark felt a soothing warm and his smile widened as he realized that Harry was thinking of him, too.

A sense of regret was present in his subconscious for skipping the exercises and yoga Martha had advised him to do each day. But he convinced himself that a single day would not harm anyone, and now he had to bare with aching feet.

If it wasn't for Martha for putting up with him and making him excersise and get a routinely massage, he was positive he would have developed edema in his legs.

The sudden commotion around the castle brought him out of his chain of thoughts. But as soon as the brawl had started, it died down. His senses filled up with his alpha's scent, making his skin tingle and excitement rush through his veins.

The door to his boudoir opened and he saw the maid glance up before snapping her eyes down immediately.

"Solitude," he heard the alpha's voice booming through the walls.

The maid stood up and bowed to him before walking towards the doors. She left after bowing to the alpha as well.

The door clicked shut followed by the click of the lock. As he made a move to stand up, his mate was beside him in an instant, putting a hand on his shoulder and keeping him in place.

"Keep sitting, my love," Harry smiled down at him. He rubbed his cheek on the hand resting on his shoulder and planted a kiss on the back of it..

"Missed you so much, Harry," he whispered with a lump forming in his throat. The hormones had messed up his emotions pretty bad.

His heart fluttered as his mate kneeled in front of him on one leg and pulled both of his feet on top of his other knee, stroking at the correct pressure points, making him sag in relief.

"I missed you too, Louis," the alpha replied, eyes warm and filled with longing, "So much."

The omega pulled his feet off his mate's knee and leaned forward, wrapping his arms around the alpha's neck as much as he could with the bump in between, whimpering as his alpha peppered his bond mark with kisses.

"How are my babies? Missed papa?" The alpha asked in a whisper, his hand stroking the omega's belly and fingers splayed on the bump as he kissed it thrice.

Louis gasped as he felt a nudge at the bottom-left of his abdomen, he looked at Harry with his mouth hung open. He saw that his alpha had a look of pure adoration and admiration, feeling around the bump to locate that kick again. He placed his hand on top of his mate's, their smiles widening as they felt two kicks under their hands.

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