Chapter 17

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"... And your green eyes, and dimples, and curly hair! Oh, and definitely your red lips!" Louis spoke in excitement, "They should be like your little version, like how you were in your childhood; cheeky personality," the omega's eyes sparkled with joy.

Harry laughed at his bubbling enthusiasm, rubbing his little wolf's waist as he spoke softly, "They can't just look like me, Lou. And I want them to have your eyes; sparkling cerulean, and they should have your joyous personality."

The omega sighed dreamily and leaned back on his mate's chest as large hands massaged his waist, back and shoulders.

He had been experiencing a dull ache in his back since morning and neither Martha nor any servant could help him. It was a mystery how Harry's touch could take away any of his pains.

"I can't wait anymore," he whispered and twisted his neck to nuzzle at the alpha's bond mark.

Harry's mind was in a different state though; he was worried. Martha had been constantly telling him to make sure that his mate was calm and rested, now that the omega was nearing the end of third trimester, there were chances of complications.

A miscarriage was common for omegas who carried triplets, and just the thought of it was enough to constrict his throat. He wouldn't be able to live with the loss of his unborn child or maybe children. He didn't even want to imagine how badly it would affect Louis.

His eyes watered at those possibilities, as much as he didn't want this to happen, there was a large possibility that something might go wrong.

"Haz?" His omega whimpered from where he was secured in his arms, clearly able to sense his sadness, "What's wrong, love?"

"Nothing," he shook his head and tried to smile.

He couldn't tell the little wolf what he was thinking of, omegas didn't deal well with the knowledge of chances of losing their pups.

"Something is bothering you, alpha," Louis noted, climbing further on his lap and hugging him to share comfort, licking under his ear, "What is bothering you, Haz?"

The alpha hugged his mate back and pecked his forehead, "Nothing, little one. Don't worry yourself, okay?" The omega nodded against his neck, "C'mon, let me give you a warm bath, it will relax your muscles. What do you say?"

"That would be fantastic," Louis sighed gratefully.

Louis sat on the edge of the tub while Harry prepared a bath for him.

"I know something is wrong, Harry," the omega spoke when Harry walked over to him, "I can feel that you are worried."

The alpha kneeled in front of him and intertwined their fingers. Kissing thrice on top of the bump, he nuzzled at it and heard his mate sigh in relief, "I would have told you if something was up, alright?"

"Is it related to kingdom?" The alpha groaned, his mate wasn't giving up until he recieved his answers.

"No," he closed his eyes and contemplated on what to tell his mate.

"Don't tell me if you can't but don't lie to me," the omega whispered, untangling his fingers of one hand and running them through the alpha's hair, "I-is it about our babies?"

The king took a deep breath and looked up in the cerulean orbs he loved to death, "I would never lie to you. I just don't want you to worry and that's why I am not telling you."

The luna nodded and hugged him around his shoulders, pecking the top of the alpha's head as the brute male rested it on his bump.

"Cheer up, Haz! A month more and then we'll be parents," the omega beamed, trying to lighten the mood, being successful when his alpha smiled and let out a small laugh before kissing him.

He let himself be undressed and guided safely to the bath by his husband, leaning back on his chest once the alpha was settled behind him, their hands instantly intertwining at his bump. He let out a breath and sagged in relief as hot water calmed his muscle, slowly easing out the tension and cramps in them.

"I love you, all of you," Harry whispered in his ear, trailing kisses beneath it till his clavicle and rubbing soothing circles on his swell.

"We love you, too," the little wolf replied with a smile, his lips tugging up more as he felt light kicks of agreement.

"I wouldn't in the world let anyone harm you or our pups," the alpha whimpered, holding Louis tightly to his body, tears threatening to form again.

"Hazza...," the omega breathed, "You are scaring me today," it was true, the little wolf was actually scared of his mate's attitude. Harry had never let his guard down until it concerned with Louis' health and welfare.

"I am sorry," the alpha king whispered, kissing his mate's bond mark to calm him and himself as well, "I didn't mean to."

They fell in a comforting silence, the preeminent cleaning both of them while placing little pecks on his mate's shoulders, every now and then.

"We can go shopping tomorrow, to buy clothes for our babies," the alpha suggested, making Louis look at him with wide eyes and raised brows.

"Really?" He gasped and squealed happily when Harry nodded, "I thought that you would get someone to purchase clothes for them, but I am so happy," he beamed with excitement, eyes twinkling and lips curling in a grin as he hugged his mate, "I love you."

"Love you, too, little one," the alpha pecked his temple before kissing him passionately.


"We would get onesies, woolen caps, mittens, socks, sweaters and there are so many things!" Louis exclaimed with wide eyes as he laid on top his mate's chest, both of them covered with a thicker duvet as winter was approaching. "Hazza! There are so many things and we just have a month!" The omega tried to shake the alpha's shoulders, pouting as he didn't even budge.

The preeminent chuckled at his pouting face but replaced it with a smile by kissing him softly, "Don't worry, we can do one thing at a time."

The omega sighed and nodded. "When they'll be here, it would be hectic with all the mid-night crying, and nappy changing, and feeding, but I am not complaining. I have waited so long for this."

"We'll be together in this," the alpha whispered in his neck, pulling back to show his smile.

"Yeah, together," the luna breathed, leaning up and enclosing his lips with his mate's.

He pulled back suddenly and with eyes opened in shock.

"We haven't decided on the names!"

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