Chapter 14

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By the beginning of second trimester of Louis's pregnancy, almost everyone in the kingdom knew about it. To say that people were in glee would be an understatement, they were ecstatic on the prospect of a young prince or princess running in the streets.

At first, only the people within the walls of the castle knew about the pregnancy for they were meant to look after the omega's needs and wishes, but as the time passed it became difficult to hide the prominent bump that the omega was spotting.

The bump was bigger than the normal thirteen-weeks one which had lead the royals to worry for their pup's health, but when they got to know that they were having triplets, they were on cloud nine.

As of now, the alpha was returning from hunt, his betas right behind him. They were all in their wolf forms, Harry's being the black alpha wolf with scars marring his skin and fur. His eyes were glowing a sated yellow colour, mouth covered in blood.

His betas were in a similar state exception being that their wolves having a dark brown fur.

They stopped in front of the back doors of castle, made especially for the king after he returns from hunts. Before they could change to their human form, their Luna walked out of the doors, clad in his husband's blue sweater and black leggings, cradling his pregnant belly with his dainty hands.

The alpha gruffed and jerked his head to dismiss his betas. He bowed his head to his Luna and keened as his mate petted his mane.

"Alpha," the omega spoke and Harry could clearly hear the happiness in his mate's voice with the way his voice went high.

He leaned into his touch as the omega wrapped his arms around his hirsute neck. His neck almost covering the upper body of his little king as he licked all over his mate's face.

The omega giggled and tried to still his face by holding his neck. He stopped as his mate kissed his jaw. He lowered his head and nuzzled at the bump, being careful to not hurt by putting any pressure. His mate sighed in content and petted his forehead, scratching behind his ears and making him whimper like a pup.

The alpha helped his mate lay down on the grass and sat beside him, still in his wolf form, his appendages folded under his body except for a paw caressing his mate's bump.

"Your wolf is beautiful, Hazza," Louis whispered and smiled with crinckly eyes as the wolf licked his nose.

The sun was shining even though it was fall season. The warmth and safety provided by the preeminent's body and the rhythmic stroke to his bump made the omega ease his muscles in comfort and let out a cute yawn. He kissed his alpha's jaw and closed his eyes, falling asleep in no time.

Harry watched his mate in fond, admiring his feathery hair, high cheek bones, the constant blush on his cheeks, long eyelashes, pink lips and just everything about him.

So much had changed in the past few months. It went from living a life without his mate and just battling, to living each and every moment with his mate and soon to be born pups.

He still regretted his decision of parting with his little wolf, but even then he wouldn't change a single thing in his life, for who knows what might have happened if he had not distanced his omega from himself.

Maybe he wouldn't have become the feared-by-all king and his kingdom would have been in ruins. Maybe he wouldn't have got such loyal betas. Maybe something would have gone wrong in their mating or wedding.

But those were mere assumptions in his head. He was happy, so was his mate and his people, and he wouldn't change a thing in his life.


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