Chapter 5

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The omega woke up and tried to move but was trapped by an arm holding him back. He turned around in the strong hold of his alpha to face him. He was swimming in regret due to the way he treated his mate in the morning.

He bit down on his lip as he observed his mate's torso littered with the remnants of the battles. A shiver ran down his spine as he thought about the pain the alpha had to go through. Regret overtook him, for he was not there to provide strength to his mate and was rather giving the alpha a hard time by making him worry.

Raising his hand, he traced the scars with a nimble touch and placed a gentle kiss over his left pectoral.

He snuggled closer to Harry and looked up at his rigorous face. Although, Harry was kind and warm to him, he wanted him to be that way with everyone, but he knew it was impossible for the alpha to ever return to the way he used to be.

In a way Louis was proud and at content that his mate was invincible. It was every omega's wish to have an insurmountable mate, but on the other hand, he was worried about the changes he was yet to see in Harry.

He noticed the differences that were prominent from what he remembered from years ago. The alpha had grown more muscular, brawny and rugged, yet still managed to look classy and courtly. His hair were longer and suited him perfectly. His scent radiated utter dominance, pride and hegemony.

The omega looked back at the blemished skin of his lover and felt sadness spread throughout his body.

"Don't worry about them, little one."

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the alpha's raspy and gruff voice. He peeked up from under his lashes at his mate with worry etched on his face.

"Does it hurt?" He pressed on one of the scar with his index finger.

Harry took hold of that finger and brought it to his lips, kissing it with tender affection. "Don't touch my scars, love, I don't want you to be marred by them," he whispered with a deep meaning behind his words. "You are too beautiful to touch something so impure."

"Nothing about you is impure, alpha," Louis could never see a single flaw in his mate.

Harry gave a sad smile to him, "It is because you are too innocent to see it. These marks are the attestations that I am nothing but a monster."

The omega's eyes widened and he shook his head rapidly, holding the alpha's face in his hands, "No! Don't say that about yourself. You are anything but that."

The alpha turned his face to plant a soft kiss on his omega's palm, "You are the only one who thinks that. I have changed a lot, my love."

Louis huddled closer to him and placed a kiss at Harry's chest. He felt the alpha's breath stutter in response. "You are impeccable, alpha. Don't think otherwise about yourself," he met the alpha's intense gaze with his own.

"How could someone be so pure to neglect my flaws?" Harry asked himself. He turned the omega on his back and hovered over him, "May I kiss you, Lou?"

"You never need to ask," Louis replied softly.

Harry closed the space between their lips and connected his rough ones to his omega's soft and tender ones.

The omega parted his lips as he felt a tongue prodding at his lips and moaned into his alpha's mouth. He massaged the tongue which was re-exploring the insides of his mouth and earned a pleasured groan from his alpha. His hands tangled within the curls to tug at them lightly, receiving a low growl in return.

"I missed this," Harry whispered, resting his forehead against Louis'.

"Me too."

"I missed you, baby."

"I missed you, too, alpha," he replied and was pulled in for a searing kiss.

Harry pulled back and placed a delicate kiss on his nose, "Wanna go out? It's not too good to stay in the room all day, is it?"


"Where do you want to go, my luna? I suppose a walk in the garden would suffice," Harry suggested.

The omega whimpered at my luna and everything else was a blur to his chuffed state of mind.

"Your luna? We aren't mated, alpha," the omega whispered, shrugging his left shoulder.

This caused the alpha to growl lowly in his ear, "We will be soon. Whenever I deem that you have recovered, I will mark you and make you mine in every possible way."

Louis bit his lower lip and nodded, trying to contain his smile, "I have always been yours, Harry."

"Good," the alpha smiled down at him, "Now, shall we go?"

Louis just nodded and squeaked in surprise when Harry swooped him in his arms to carry him to the bath.

The alpha allowed him some privacy while he himself doned on a white shirt and his coat over it. He kept his sweater out on the mattress for Louis to wear.

When Louis stepped out of the bath, Harry dressed him in his sweater and a pair of pants, his possessive nature taking over as he saw the little wolf in his garment.

Louis nuzzled his nose in the alpha's neck, "You like seeing me wearing your clothes, don't you?"

"More than I would like to admit."

"Possessive puppy," Louis muttered under his breath and squeaked when Harry bit his neck playfully.

"Your possessive puppy," the alpha agreed.

"Mhm, only mine," Louis wound his arms around the alpha's neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

They didn't go much far from the castle, staying close as they walked amongst the perfectly trimmed trees. Harry kept an arm wound around Louis' waist, holding the omega close until they reached a shady tree. They sat under the tree with Louis' back pressed to the alpha's chest.

The omega was still in a daze by the knowledge that his alpha had returned too him. He tilted his head and pressed his nose to the alpha's neck, sending him with a pleaded sigh.

"What are you wondering, love?" Harry asked as he could sense the gears turning in his little mate's head.

"I am sorry, alpha," Louis mumbled in a low voice.

Harry turned him around gently and made him look up, "For what, baby? I should be the one apologising, not you."

"You did come back but I failed to keep my promise, and now you have to take care of me," the omega replied in a self-deprecating tone.

"I love taking care of you, baby, and if I had kept my promise, you wouldn't have fallen ill in the first place. Don't blame yourself, darling."

"Will-- are you going to leave again?" Louis asked with uncertainty creeping in his voice, "Are you going back to Cheshire now that I'm better?"

"Not without you, baby. Next time I set a foot in Cheshire, it will be with you by my side as my luna. And I'm not going to break this promise."

Louis' eyes crinkled in happiness, he leaned on his knees and hugged the Cheshire king in a crushing embrace at which the alpha could only laugh in return.

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