More Than Friends, Less than enemies

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Dedicated to my editor and wattpad friend


12 years ago

I sat there as Momma did my twin sister, Vivian’s, make-up and hair. Vivian looked so pretty. Momma had given Vivian a pretty, frilly white knee length dress but she’d given me a simple white dress with a pink ribbon around the waist. I sighed unhappily and sat down and stared at myself.

Momma had curled my sister’s hair and they hung in gorgeous perfect curls. She had shiny blonde hair and big blue eyes like momma. Momma left her hair like that and hugged her. “You look amazing princess. I love you Viv.” Momma said softly to her. Vivian sighed contently and unconsciously leaned into her embrace. I felt pain stab my heart. Why wouldn’t momma love me too?

I rushed out of the room in my plain dress to my room, it was a sad shade of grey and had very few colours in it and even less objects. I sat on my bed and cried again. Why didn’t Momma love me? Nathan must have heard me because he came in and hugged me. “It’s okay Lia, I love you. What more do you need?” I sniffed and nodded my head. I loved my twin brother to death and I would do anything for him. “C’mon Nathalia, let me try and do your hair.” I nodded my head numbly. He grabbed a pink ribbon and tied my hair. Half was up and the other half was down. It was pretty but not as pretty as what momma did to Vivian. It didn’t matter to me, I grinned from ear to ear. Nathan smiled happily when he saw me smiling and hugged me.

“Thanks Nathy.” I whispered shyly. Nathan smiled and waved goodbye as he ran out of his room. I skipped out of my room into daddy’s arms.

“Hello kitten. We’re going to meet some very important friends of mine. I hope you like them.” He greeted me. I grinned and kissed his cheek and nodded my head. Dad went off and was used to me not speaking. I was extremely shy I never really spoke unless spoken to and even then it was a nod here a smile there type of conversation.

I smiled happily and rushed of and bumped into Momma. “What are you smiling about?! Where did you get that bow from? Do you know how hard I work to keep you and your siblings in line?! And this is how you repay me?!” she snapped. I cowered in fear and she ripped the ribbon from my hair. I burst into tears and cried in a corner. Vincent, Sebastian and Nathan came down the stairs in matching tuxedos and ignored me. Vincent and Sebastian hated me and Nathan ignored me while he was with them. He kept them from mocking me but that was as far as it went.

Momma knew about it but never stopped them, in fact, she encouraged them. I sat there crying in the corner until Vivian walked over to me. “Stop crying. You’re so loud. If it makes you happier I’ll do your hair just shut up.” I numbly nodded my head as Vivian dragged me of to her perfect, colourful world. She did a similar style to Nathan but she made it look prettier. “Are you happy now?”

“T-t-t-t-thank you.” I stuttered out shyly as I blushed shyly. Vivian examined my face and smiled gently.

“You have pretty hair and eyes. I wished I looked like you.” I stared at her in shock as my blush deepened.

“Thank you, I like your eyes and hair too.” I said softly. Our eyes weren’t meeting.

“You’re not very talkative are you? Do you want to play with my dolls with me later?” Vivian asked. I nodded my head enthusiastically. She smiled at me. Momma came in and shrieked in horror.

“What are you doing with the likes of her?” She yelled. Vivian flinched and backed away from me shamefully. I sighed as momma dragged me off to yell at me angrily in the basement. Soon we had to leave and I hopped into the car and avoided eye contact at all costs.

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