new girls

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To my crazy wattpad friend who helped me gain confidence to write this and should get online asap and upload her stories.


There were two new girls the next day.

One was a shy girl. She had messy curls and had them tied up in a messy half-up, half-down pony tail. Big expressive brown eyes that reminded me of doe eyes. Big full lips, high cheek bones and was tanned. She seemed to be nice.

The other one was in all of my classes and had gotten Nick and Antony’s attention.  She was obviously after Nick, playing hard to get and all. She was a pretty girl; she had brown skin, equally brown hair, hazel eyes, and curves in the right places, amazing cloths and was going to be the new cheerleader. She sat at our table and Krissy grinned excitedly.

“Guys, this is my cousin Mackenzie. She’s going to complete senior year with us! I haven’t seen her for like ever.” Krissy squealed excitedly. I couldn’t help but share her excitement; she fit into the group like a puzzle piece, like that was what she was created to do. She fit in with the other cheerleaders and drew Dee and Krissy into the conversation but didn’t bother with me. It made me realize how little I fit in here. I didn’t talk to most of the cheerleaders but most were superficial friends.

I sighed; I seemed to do this too often. I stood up to go to another table when Mackenzie called me up to talk to her privately. There was this hidden message in her eyes that screamed bitch but I followed her.

“Look, Natalie, you’re a nice girl and all but you don’t exactly fit in with my girls, I suggest you move tables and find some new friends.” She said dismissively. I stared at her in shock.

“Excuse me? Hello, last time I checked, you were the new girl, these are my friends, and you can’t just waltz in and do what you want.” I snapped at her. She gave me an evil smile.

“Ah, but I can and I will. You see, unlike some people, I don’t like vermin. Do you know why these girls even hang out with you? You’re a charity case. Nothing more, in fact, only a mother could love you. Now run along and get out of my way.” She spat in my face. I did something that to this day shocks me. I slapped her.

“Look, I don’t know who you think you are but no one can tell me what to do.” I snapped. She gave me a sick smile.

“Oh you poor naive soul, I don’t like you. I don’t like the way you act, the way you talk, the clothes you wear. Let me tell you this, I will destroy you. I will replace you in your life and be a better you. You might as well just go, find some new friends; I suggest the reject table and get going.” I looked at her. I shook my head with a smile on my face.

“What are you trying to do? Nothing you say can hurt me, I don’t care. I know you don’t like me but just deal with it. I’m not leaving anytime soon.” I walked out of the bathroom leaving Mackenzie shocked to the core. I didn’t bother telling the girls about her. She just wasn’t worth it.

The rest of the school day went by with Mackenzie acting sugar sweet and glaring at me. Oh well, who cares?

Mackenzie hated me but the cheerleaders wouldn’t abandon me or trash talk me, they respected Vivian too much to do that. Mackenzie was just like my mother. A bully. Pathetic. Worthless. Didn’t deserve my time.  However, there was one difference between them that hurts the most.

I love my mother.

I sighed. She hates me… Why did she hate me? What did I do? It was either “Nathalia! You aren’t trying hard enough! You need to work for everything you want you ungrateful brat!” or “Nathalia! What are you DOING?! You’re taking the spotlight off your sister!” Nothing I did was ever good enough. Nothing would please her. Correction, nothing I did would please her.

I walked home and stumbled into someone.

“Oh, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean it. Don’t hurt me.” I startled voice squeaked out. I looked up and saw the other new girl.

“It’s okay. I’m Lia, you are?” I asked as I picked my stuff up and helped her pick some stuff up. She smiled gratefully at me.

“I’m Madison.” She said. I was quiet for a while trying to think up a good nick name for her. I looked at the shy girl walking next to me and instantly decided.

“Mimi.” I shrieked excitedly. She looked at me like I had lost my mind.

“Your new nick-name, it’s Mimi.” I said in my duh tone. She looked at me like I was crazy.

“You don’t talk much now do you? I don’t bite, I’m nice.” I said cheerfully. She giggled.

“Why are you nice? Aren’t you supposed to be mean?” She asked curiously. I smiled at her a started laughing. She looked a little offended.

“I’m not a cheerleader, my sister was. They’re my friends; we’re actually nice…Except for Mackenzie.” She nodded her head thoughtfully.

“That Nick guy is pretty cute…” Mimi said thoughtfully.

“He is, but he’s a major jerk and player.” I said with venom dripping of every word. Surprisingly Mimi grinned.

“I totally agree, he’s hot but he’s still a jerk.” She said we grinned at the similarity of our thoughts.

“I agree with everything but the jerk bit, I just like girls.” I spun around and glared at the jerk... A.K.A Nick.

“What do you want?!” I spat. He chuckled.

“Feisty, I likey.” I glared at him.

“Pervy, I don’t likey.” I retorted. He melodramatically put his hand over his heart.

“Lia, you wound me. You and I know how you really feel about me.” I glared hatefully at him.

“So, what are you of all people doing here?” I hissed out acidly. Mimi just looked at us blankly. It was a fake plastered on look that was matched up with her eyes looking at us amusedly.

“Walking home. You of all people should know that now. After all, you walk to our house to hang out with Tony.” He said the way a normal person would politely point something out to another. I glared at him.

“Go away and shove your tongue down some stupid slut’s throat.” I snapped at him. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair and he looked at me, something in his eyes made him look exhausted, I suddenly felt very guilty. I pushed my guilt away once he looked at me cockily. I glared at him and was about to storm off until Mimi cut in.

“Oh, look over there! A hooker! Go make out with her! Bye!” She said as she shoved him in the direction of a girl wearing more make up than clothes. She effectively distracted him for a few minutes which were enough time to make our quick getaway. We rushed into an alley way and burst out laughing.

“Forget it. Nick is so not hot.” Mimi said before we burst out giggling.

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