Meet the Fiance

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I sat down at the usual table. The cheerleaders joined and Mackenzie was ranting about Nick. “He thinks he’s so that when he’s not.” Blah blah blah. But I could see on her face that she didn’t mean it, in fact I knew what she was doing; she was after Nick. But in a way that makes him think he’s chasing her. Sneaky.

I couldn’t take listening her rant about something she didn’t believe so I left to sit with Mimi.

“Hey. How are you on this remarkably boring day?” I asked as I slid in next to her.

“I’m studying for geog. Why aren’t you with medusa and her minions?” Mimi asked.

“Because it’s medusa and her minions we’re talking about here.” We snickered.

“So what’s up Lia? Oh hi, I’m Dee and this is Kris. And you are?”  Dee said as she struts over and sat down with Kris in tow. Mimi looked at the two intimidating cheerleaders in shock. Ant walked over and sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulders.

“Hey Lia, you ditched us for the newbie? We’re hurt.” He said in a fake sad voice and dramatically put his hand over his heart. I laughed at him.

“Nope. You know how much I love you Ant. I could never leave my one and only true love?” He chuckled. His eyes were shining with happiness and it was obvious he liked me. I searched my emotions again, nothing but friendship. It was so unfair. Ant and I were perfect for each other but I can’t even fall in love right.

“So anyway, who’s the newbie?” Kris asked.

“Mimi.” I answered for her. “She’s shy.” They nodded their heads understandingly.

“You shouldn’t be afraid of us. It’s them you need to be afraid of.” Dee said in a preppy voice as she acidly pointed a figure at my brothers. I snickered. It was obvious she disliked Sebastian but Vincent was a different case. It was obvious they were dating and she really liked him and in turn he really liked her. I mean he never cheated on her. I knew why she was keeping it a secret. After all rule number 55 in the Girble: Thou best friend shall not date thy brother.

I didn’t mind and secretly I was ecstatic. My best friend was dating my brother, they were cute together. I sighed happily. Until a certain douche waltzed over as if he owned the place. My brothers were talking to Trevor, a good friend of theirs. Dee and Kris sure weren’t going to save me. I glared at him and he returned it with a mysterious smile. Instead of greeting me or insulting me he bent to my ear and whispered “See you tonight Princess.” He chuckled and swaggered off leaving me stunned and breathless.

“Wha-What just happened?” I stuttered out. Dee, Kris and Mimi gave me an equally stunned look, Ant looked annoyed.

“We’ll tell you when we figure out.” Kris finally said. See you tonight princess… What did that mean? Unless…

“What day is it today?” I demanded randomly.

“Friday!” Dee squealed. I froze. No. Tonight dad was holding a big formal party at a hotel. I would be meeting my fiancé and major business partners there. I froze up and paled.

“What? Seriously what’s wrong Lia?” Mimi asked. Tonight I meet my fiancé. Ant noticed and squeezed my hand.

“It’ll be okay. Everything will be okay. You’ll be fine, more than fine. You always have been.” He comforted me. I pressed my face into his shoulder.

“I’m not ready for this.” I said timidly. Yes you are. You just aren’t ready to accept the truth. Somehow, my creepy thought comforted and scared me more than anything.


“Just sit still!” Dee yelled as she did my hair. Kris was doing my make-up and Mimi was doing the finer details… Like let’s say the dress… Someone ruined it. And now I had to panic and find a new one. Mimi was great though. She managed to persuade her mom to alter one of her precious dresses to give me. It was surprising that shy Mimi was the daughter of a major fashion designer. I was dragged out of my musing as Kris decided to burn my scalp with the curler, much to Mimi’s protests. In the end, they made my hair go wavy.

I groaned in frustration and began thinking about Ant. He was becoming bolder. While Nick was giving us a lift home, Ant sat in the back seat with me and boldly asked me to be his date for the formal. Nick was so surprised that he hit the brakes on the road and almost caused a car crash. His knuckles gripped the wheel angrily as we drove the rest of the way home. The tension was so thick. I didn’t understand why he wasn’t happy. After thinking about it for a few minutes, I got out and texted Ant yes.

Was I leading him on? Stop over thinking this. Ant is the perfect guy for me.

“Voilà! Finished! You look amazing.” Dee announced. I stared at the girl in the mirror unable to believe that she was me. My long brunette hair tumbled down my shoulders; the purple dress hugged my curves enough that made me look like I had a figure but not enough to make me look slutty or like I was seeking attention. My make-up was natural and I only wore a pair of ear rings and a bracelet. The neckline was a little deep but I didn’t mind too much. Mimi forced me into a pair of black heels and taught me how to walk in them. Before I knew it, Ant was here to drag me off to the ball.

He stood in the living room in a black tux looking awkward and adorable. My father was there to give him ‘the talk’. It looked so normal but my mother was missing. I stood at the landing silently as I remembered Vivian’s first Prom. How mom fussed over her, how dad laughed with her date. I was not Vivian and I didn’t deserve what Vivian had. But as I walked over to Ant I plastered on a fake smile no one could see through and put my arm through his. He smiled at me and said “You look beautiful tonight.” I blushed and went to his car, he opened the door and I sat in the front seat. We laughed and joked on the way. But it felt off, too perfect, too good to be true, and it was too good, it usually was.

We walked in and socialized with everyone, strengthening business partners and increasing my chances of becoming successful. Then, my father took my arm and led me to a private dark room. Nick and I’s family were there, Nick was wearing an identical tux to Ant.

“Nathalia, meet your fiancé, Nick.” My father announced. I froze. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

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