What are you doing here?!

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“Olivia! Ashley! Tiga! What the heck?” I demanded. They giggled and ran forward to effulge me in a hug.

“We missed you so much! What are you doing here anyway?” I asked.

“Exams are over, we just took off. You sounded so upset. So we just had to come. Nice place you got here. Since when did u live alone?” Olivia asked.

“Erm well you see…This isn’t my house.” I said awkwardly trying to prolong the inevitable.

“What?! Then whose house is it?” Ash demanded.

“My fiancé’s.” I said trying to avoid the topic. I looked down and began fiddling with a lock of my hair.

“OMG you know who he is?! Spill!” She shrieked.

“Nickolas…” I whispered. They froze.

“Nickolas King? That Nickolas? The player! The jerk! What the hell! He’s a jerk! You’re too good for him! He’s-” I cut Olive and Ashley off from their rant.

“I know okay! Just-Argh!” I screamed and dumped my head on a cushion and screamed.

“Just spill all of your troubles to auntie Olive and Ms Prissy, you’ll feel better in no time.” Olive suggested. I just stared at the for 3 seconds, looked around the room and burst into tears. Olive and Ash immediately went on comfort duty and Tiga fell asleep on a cushion.

“-and then he practically accused me of sleeping around and then I called you, and then mike who picked me up and we went out, had lunch and had a mini pity party and then I went home and you know the rest.” I sobbed out. Olive and Ash stared at me opened mouthed.

“This is why being a wall flower sucks, too little complication for so long always leads to this. It builds up Lia.” Olive sighed. The drama queen. Ashley rolled her eyes and hit Olivia on the back of her head.

“Idiot. Your ‘words of wisdom’ suck.” Ashley said. I smiled at them. They took out a few chick flicks like the titanic before moving on to ‘stick it’ a movie about a girl who’s trying to get the best she can get and moved onto scary movie 1,2,3 and 4. Together we curled up on the sofa in a tangle of arms and legs and fell asleep.

“What the hell?!” was what I woke up to the next morning. I looked up and saw Olivia and Ashley laughing at Nick who was now covered in pink paint. Olivia walked up to him and slapped him in the face.

“That’s what you get when you make my cousin cry!” She screamed. Ashley glared at him and stormed off to my room and picked up a few large suitcases. My suitcases.

“C’mon Lia, we’re leaving.” Ashley said angrily. They stormed out of the door. Tiga looked at Olivia and than at Nick and finally back at Olivia. She then crossed her arms over her chest, stuck her nose in the air and marched out of the house.
Normally the sight of that would have made me laugh but with Nick so close to me…And he hated me.

I looked at him one last time hoping to see at least a tiny bit of remorse, I was met with none. I didn’t acknowledge him as I walked out, just as I was about to leave. Nick grabbed my arm and tugged me back in.

“What?” I demanded, I glared at him but deep down I wanted to die.

“Lia…Can you…Just…Argh, never mind. Leave. Just get the hell out.” He said as he ran his fingers through his hair. I sighed. I looked at the corner of the room and remembered the time I caught him playing a guitar in the corner of his old bedroom when he was 5, he never told anyone and neither did I.

And I knew he loved playing the guitar and he still secretly played it. I let that memory fade away as I walked out of the door.

Mother was right. Nick was the wrong match for me. And with that, I left the apartment block and let Olivia drive me off to where ever we were going.

Olivia took me to the hotel room Ashley was staying at, she was my temporary roommate. I tried to call Dee and Kris but they wouldn’t pick up. Mimi was busy and I was feeling more and more alone.

As a last resort I asked Olivia to drive me to the last place I ever thought I go to for comfort. She opened the door and looked at me in shock.

“Nathalia, what happened?”

“Mom…” I choked out and started to cry. Mom looked at me awkwardly before gently tugging me into the house and patting my back. I put my head on her shoulder and she awkwardly hugged me.

“Calm down…Tell me what’s wrong.” She said soothingly.

“I…Nick…” I said before I began sobbing uncontrollably. Mom sighed but kept on stroking my hair.

“It’s okay, it will be fine. Things are going to get better.” She said comfortingly. I fell asleep to my mother’s comfort.

Later she woke me up for dinner and Olivia came to pick me up.

“Your mom was nice wasn’t she? What changed?” She asked.

“I don’t know.” I replied as I stared out of the window.

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