I knew it

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Mimi shook me awake at god only knows what time.

“Okay, I’m tired of you being so distant today. What’s wrong?” she demanded. I sighed, Mimi ad I were really close and she could read me like a book.

“Nick woke up today.” I said stiffly.

“That’s great!” she squealed. I sighed.

“He woke up to Mackenzie and they kissed.” I said, that wasn’t the only part to that story.

“Oh that sucks, oh well. They are perfect for each other in every way.” Mimi said absentmindedly. I felt jealousy, rage and hurt flare inside of me, Mimi who was staring intently at my face suddenly smirked.

“I knew it!” She shrieked.

“Knew what?” I asked. What was this crazy girl going on about?

“You slept with him!” What?

“Who?” I demanded.

“Nick.” She said in her ‘obviously’ voice. I began choking on nothing and fell out of the chair I was sitting on.

“What! No! I’m a virgin!” I spluttered out. Mimi was too busy laughing at me to help. Traitor. Dee and Kris were staring at us as if we had gone crazy, we probably did.

“How much did u guys here?” Mimi asked awkwardly.

“Mimi woke us up with the ‘I knew it’. Thing.” Kris replied.

“I had to do it. I mean what if she did sleep with him?” Mimi defended herself.

“Erm well about that…” I said nervously. 3 pairs of eyes shot at me. “I didn’t really, actually, I kinda sorta well did.” I stuttered. They gasped at me.

“Little Lia is no longer innocent! Was he good?” Dee cheered.

“Wha-No not that way! We were sharing a bed. Ah that sounds worse! There were no more beds and I didn’t want to sofa so we shared the bed ok!” I screamed.

“Oh…What led to this conversation again?” Kris asked disappointedly. What was their problem? I mean for god’s sake it’s no big deal.

“Lia’s bad mood.” Mimi answered.

“But what does that have to do with Nick?” Kris asked. She was always an idiot in the morning. Dee looked at her as if to say ‘what the heck?’.

“So she finally figured it out?” Dee asked.

“I think so.” Kris said after thinking about it for a while.

“Figured what out?” Mimi and I simultaneously asked. Dee and Kris sighed.

“That Lia has a crush on Nick.” Dee explained. Mimi’s eyes bulged.

“No! She can’t! What about Ant?” Mimi demanded. We stared at her, it was rare that she had out bursts and they were really scary.

“Ant.” I sighed. My eyes brimmed with tears and I tried not to cry. He made me feel safe and secure, the way a friend does. The way I loved him was as a brother. Oh god what am I going to do? Seeing me upset had made Mimi a little more comforting but not by much.

“Lia, look it’s not your fault, Ant will be hurt but eventually understand when you and Nick-” Mimi started but was cut of my me.

“No! Never. Nick and I will never happen.” I swore. The stared open mouthed at me.

“Are you kidding me? You just admitted u had a crush on him? How could you  still  be in denial?” Kris demanded. Dee sighed melodramatically and dumped her head on Mimi’s shoulder.

“I give up! She’s hopeless!” Dee wailed. Mimi rolled her eyes and offhandedly patted Dee’s back. I looked at Mimi for a few minutes, why was she so against cheating? It didn’t make sense but at the same time it did, her mother was a reason but not the only reason.

Mimi’s mom left for works 3 hours ago and her brother had gone off to go do a biology project. We ate breakfast, and by we I mean me and Mimi. Dee and Kris were still weight orientated. After that we went back home. I quickly went to the living room and started slaving over the project. Right after that I quickly rushed off to the hospital to visit Nick. I needed to go and see if it was a one off thing or if it was real. If it was real or a disillusion

As usual I peeked in through the door to see if he was awake. Damn he was. With Mackenzie too. I was about to leave when Martha, a nurse I was familiar with came up to me. Martha was a slightly plump African American, with frizzy hair.

“Lia! There you are! You’re later than usual? I was getting worried.” She said happily. So much for a quick getaway.

I shot her a forced smile that she ignored as she led me in. Nick…Didn’t react much. In fact he scowled. I guess I was interrupting something…It probably involved two pairs of lips and a little bit of tongue.

“Hi Nick.” I said awkwardly. He grunted. He was obviously annoyed at me. I felt my heart beat out of my chest. Oh god no. My face flushed and I ducked my green eyes to the ground as I let my brown curly hair cover my face.

“What made you finally visit? I thought you thought you were too good for anyone especially me to visit.” He sneered. With her back to him, Mackenzie shot me a look full of triumph.

“I think I’ll go now…Leave you guys alone to talk things out” Mackenzie said awkwardly playing the perfect part of the concerned girlfriend.

“Don’t.” He simply said, his vulnerable tone and pleading look stabbed me in the heart.

“You guys need this.” She said. Ironically she was right. On the way out she sneered at me.

“Visit me because Antony can’t keep you on a leash, bored of Randal already? Or is it Jonah this time? Never took you for a cheater.” He snapped. I didn’t look at him in the face. Tears filled my eyes. “Heard I was awake? Had to visit cause daddy dearest made you?”

I still didn’t respond. Whatever Mackenzie told him about me was obviously bad. Bad enough to make him think I was easy.

“Well! Say something!” He demanded. I forced the tears to go away and I forced my hatred for him into my eyes. He flinched a little at the look I gave him.

“I came to visit and to test my theory. To see if it was real or a disillusion.” I hissed as I stalked forward with fury.

“Well, what are the results? Or am I too unimportant to know?” He snarled out. I slapped him in the face.

“Shut up and I’ll tell you!” I screamed as I turned my back to him to walk out of the room.

“Well! I’m waiting Nathalia!” He yelled furiously.

“Both.” I whispered as I walked out of the room, I don’t know or care if he heard or not. But with my back turned against him, I finally let the tears I held back fall.

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