Disney Day

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A Mats Hummels One Shot

It was just another sunny day. Mats had a day off from the Euros so we decided to go to Disney Land.

"Babe you ready yet?" Mars called from down the hallway.

"Yup, let me just get my Minnie ears."I shouted back. Needless to say, I turned the whole place into a madhouse.

"Finally." I breathed out as I pulled out a sequined Minnie Mouse ears. I took a guilty look around me at me and Mats's room. It looked like Katrina had just wrecked it. Not sparing it another glance, I rushed down the staicase and me and Mats sped off to Disney Land.

It seemed like ages, before we reached Disney Land.

"I've missed Disney so much, I can't even remember when I last came." I flung my legs out of the car, eager to go ride some rollar-coasters.

"Wow, I can't imagine how much you must miss me when I'm away," Mats said with a dramatic eye roll. I swear this man is more of a drama queen than I am.

"Oh when you leave, I practically die Mats." I pouted my lips at him.

Mats simply shrugged with a coy smirk on his face, suggesting that we go ride the roallar coaster. I simply nodded, as I was always game for any ride.


After some butter beer from Hogwarts and plenty of rides later, me and Mats were making our way back to the car, when Mats decided to stay for the fireworks display over the castle.

When the fireworks were in mid-air, without me realising, Mats had gone down on one knee.

"Lauren. You are the best thing that has come into my life. I don't know what I would do without your period days and the days where you're just so grumpy that nearly all your answers are sarcastic.

Your laugh, smile, eyes and your heart are one of the many countless things that I have grown to love about you.

And hopefully, I will never stop counting.

Lauren will you marry me?"

"Of course I will!" We ran and we kissed. One of the most passionate kisses that we have ever shared before.

And that kids, is how me and your father got engaged.

Dedicated to my hoe and english babe PierceTheVietto

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