Meeting The Parents

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A Felix Passlack One Shot

Felix's parents are here,holy shit. Get yourself together Lauren. You don't need to impress them,you know that Felix loves you and that's all that matters.

Lauren was pacing around her room,trying to control her wild nerves and chanting this quietly to herself.She knew that Felix's parent liked what they had heard of her from Felix, but she had no idea whether they would like her in her flesh.

She glanced down at her tattoos on her pale skin and winced. They just looked so scary and not suitable for her. But,normally Lauren wouldn't care so much, she was so damn proud of her tattoos.

She just really wanted to impress Felix's parents. She had even bought a new dress,even though she normally detested them. And to make matters worse,it wasn't even a nice colour. For crying out loud,it was bright neon pink!

There was a knock on the wooden door. Felix's head popped out.

"Are you ready babe?"

"Yeah,I'm coming."

"You look breath taking as usual." Felix's mouth curled up into a smile.

"Thank you babe."Lauren shot Felix a smile.

Lauren shooed Felix out of the room, in fear that her nerves would transfer onto him.

She knew that Felix had no reason to be nervous about seeing his parents, well I mean they was his parents .  But she couldn't help but feel nervous.

The doorbell rang and she took a deep breath and a gulp, as she walked down the winding staircase to meet the parents.

"Lauren darling, how are you?  We've heard so much about you from Felix. "

"Hello Mr and Mrs Passlack. I'm doing very well, how are you? "

"We're well Lauren. So what do you have on the menu for tonight? "

"Well, Felix mentioned that you enjoy chicken with sauerkraut. So I made that and then we have some white wine."

"That sounds wonderful, shall we go and eat then? "

Now not to say that Felix's parents were the most intimidating of parents, but they were certainly stern and carried an air of strictness.

They headed into the dining room, while Lauren had laid out all the food that she had prepared earlier in the day.

They dug in and the conversation flowed smoothly. There were laughter and jokes all around.

All in all, Lauren had no idea why she was so nervous in the beginning. She had no reason as to be nervous, as Felix's parents loosened up much more as the night continued.

When they left, Lauren actually smiled. Because, she had done it. She had finally met Felix's parents.

And she knew that when Felix was pleased, she knew what was happening that night.

dedicated to my mama hoe PierceTheVietto sorry this was so long, but I have year end exams to prepare for.  I hope you understand, love you!

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