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A Rafinha One Shot

It was only in my dreams that I get to see her again.  Her slender body teasing me,asking me to go and get more. Her dark brown eyes that seemed to look through me and see past all that football player,famous people bullshit.

It was with her that I felt the most alive. Without her I felt as if all my energy had been sucked out of my life and I couldn't move on from her. I wouldn't, I refused. Because how you can give up something that you have become so accustomed to having in your life?

She helped me breathe. Everyday I would wake up and I would lose my breath as I saw her next to me sleeping. How lucky am I that this gift from heaven belongs to me? Nothing in this world even matters anymore as long as she was next to me,helping to keep my blood flowing.

You see I would  blanket the world in utter darkness; I would pull back
the veil of light and reveal to her, a blinding crescendo of stars.

I would drain all the seven seas and ask her to count–one by
one–every grain of sand that clings to the ocean floor.

I would tally the beat of every human heart that has echoed
since the dawn of our becoming.

And I would say this is how much I loved you.

I loved her more than anything. People say that but I truly and deeply mean it. Without her I wouldn't be where I am today and without I wouldn't what happiness meant.

She showed me what it was to be happy,what it was to love someone and to care for them so much that you would do anything for them.

It's hard to imagine that she was ever in this universe anymore because it somehow feels like I am the only person who remembers her. It is like as if everyone has forgotten her.

But there are miniscule traces of her everywhere. Her perfume that stills linger in the air because I buy it specially and spray it around the house. Her cups and mugs that she would use to drink coffee are all ticked away nicely in the cabinet away from prying eyes.

The sheer magnitude of her effect on my life would render anyone speechless. She has changed me for the better and even if things turn for the worst, I still wouldn't change anything.

Our love is one that will be told to other generations and everyone will remember how in love I was with her. Because nobody should forget her. Because she it utterly unforgettable. And even maybe in the next 10 years, I'm lying in bed with my wife and staring up at the ceiling I will think of her.

Because there will be no use forgetting her, she will just crawl right back in and burrow herself into my mind permanently.

Rest in peace darling, you'll make a great angel

Dedicated to the_matthewespinosa

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