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A Marco Reus One Shot

"Come on Marco! Try again." I gently reassured him as he clutched his blonde hair in frustration.

"It's so hard babe! How do you even speak English so fluently? I can't hardly speak German properly and I'm German." He asked.

"Hey,it's not like your English is totally terrible. At least you know some basic phrases which is better than some people at least." I said trying to make him feel better.

"I know you're trying to make me feel better but it's not really helping you know." Marco said with a small smile on his face.

"Hey at least I'm trying!" I said while hitting his arm playfully.

"Okay okay can we try it again?" He asked.

"Of course."

"Hello Sir and Madam. It's nice to meet you. I am Marko.."

"No Marco it's a c not a k sound!" I said again.

"Ugh I give up! Can't you just translate for me?"

"Hey that's not fair!  I learned German when we met your parents."

"Yeah but.."

"But what? You can't compare me and you Marco. I'm on a higher level than you." I said playfully sticking out my tongue.

It was hot and balmy afternoon and Marco was in my room,currently still sweating out about not being able to speak English when he meets my parents.

Sweat stuck on our bodies and I was about to scold Marco again. Truth was, Marco could do anything he wanted so long if he put his mind to it, but he was being super lazy today and not willing to cooperate.

"Come on Marco I know you can do it." I said with my voice slightly strained because I was getting very tired of teaching him the same things over and over again.

"Babe are you tired? Let's go take a rest." He suggested.

"You just want to get out of studying." I stated matter-of-factly.

"How'd you guess?" He asked pouting.

"If you don't study harder then I'm going to leave you alone to study by yourself and I won't help you." I threatened.

"Okay! Okay I'll study." He said while clearing his throat.

"Good evening sir and madam. My name is Marco and I'm your daughter's boyfriend. It is very nice to meet you." He finished with a flourish.

"See I told you! You can do it if you put your mind to it!" I said proudly.

"Did I do it?" He asked surprisingly.

"Yes! Now remember that and repeat it until it's natural to say it."

And so we went again and again for a while until it was finally time to take a shower and get ready.

"Are you ready? You sure you're not going to forget everything in front of my parents because you're nervous are you?" I teased him playfully.

"Hey! As long as I got my girl with me I'll be fine."

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