Chapter 1

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Here it is

Rey looks at the big bland building ahead. 

Force Awakens Highschool

It read on the sign, followed by the slogan: School For All: Dark Side and Light

Her worn and old leather satchel rested on her hip and swung slightly as she made her way up the stairs. She opened up the door and met with a empty hall covered in cheesy posters promoting what they called the "dark" and "light" sides.

Surprisingly no one was bustling in the halls. Rey had watched many highschool movies containing crowded halls and much drama over at Finns house. From the looks of it, highschool is going to be a lot different from what is shown of the screen.

She makes her way to the office, swinging the door open and getting whacked in the face with the cold AC air. It was freezing, definitely unlike Jakku: the place she used to live. Rey makes her way to the desk meeting a elderly woman who is loudly  talking into the phone.

"Excuse me."

The lady continues on

"Excuse me?"

She continues

"Excuse me!"

The lady looks at her, mouths wait and points to the chairs.

Rey rolls her eyes out of impatience and makes her way to the small crowd of chairs. Except she isn't alone, a tall dark boy is sitting in the chair in the far corner and staring at her.

He is extremely pale with dark eyes and a big nose. His face and neck area are covered in small freckles and his hair is dark, wavy, and long. The boy is dressed in all black clothing except his shirt which is a dark blue. He's wearing dark jeans, a black jacket, and a black scarf wrapped around his neck. His shirt is blue with a weird red thing on it with the words "Dark Side."

He must be one of those "dark siders" or something

She sits down onto the one farthest from him, he gave her an uneasy feeling. He continues to stare at her with a smug smile on his face. Rey already doesn't like him.

"Excuse me? But can you not look at me?"

"Who said I was light sider?"

"Me. Cause you were and I'm not a light sider! I'm Rey Kenobi and I'm new!"

That sounded stupid. Good job Rey.

The boy started to laugh and Rey's cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"And I'm Kylo Ren a dark sider, who you don't want to mess with!" He puts on a menacing face.

"Sure Ren." Rey says sarcastically.

He scowls at her as she makes her way to the desk.

"Hi I am Rey Kenobi and I'm a new student."

"Hello I am Leia Organa vice principal  of the school and light sider guide. Welcome Rey! Here is all the information you need."

She hands her a packet of papers along with an envelope.

"Also Rey the envelope has your lock, your locker combination, and your schedule. One more thing what side are you on?

"What do you mean?"

"I mean are you a light sider or a dark sider?"

Rey thinks about it and how obnoxious that boy Ren was. If he was a dark sider she wonders how obnoxious everyone else from the dark side was. Also Finn was on the light side.

"Light side."

"Great choice! Your books and everything you need will be given to you by your teacher. Supplies are in your locker."

Rey walks away from the desk, giving one last glance to Kylo before she walks out.

Authors Note: sorry the chapter wasn't that long I will make it longer when I write the other chapters to this story. I just wanted to start of the story. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed!

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