Chapter 12

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"W-what? Where am I?"

Rey sat up, wincing and looked around the room. She was surrounded by piles of gifts as well as six grinning people.


"Rey!" Finn and Poe ran forward and hugged her with all the power in their body. They would have hugged her for eternity if Rey hadn't told them that it hurt.

"What am I doing here?"

"You fell and got a concussion."

"I don't remember that."

"That's why you're here Rey."

She looked down and saw herself laying in bed,wearing a hospital gown. Rey didn't say anything.

"Finn, Poe I missed you guys!" She smiled and they grinned.

Next Leia and Han came forward.

"Kid I'm glad you're alive!" Han hugged Rey and they immediately started a conversation about ships and mechanics.

Leia smiled sweetly at Rey before placing a hand on her shoulder, "take care of yourself Rey."

After they left her grandfather dashed in, his eyes full of worry.

"Rey I thought I was going to lose you!"

"Don't worry I'm here."

He hugged her.

"I'm so glad you're well Rey."

He kissed her cheek and headed out, letting the last visitor in.

It was Ben.


"Ben -" Rey breathed in surprise as he walked over shyly. She didn't exactly expect him to come.

"You came."

"How could I not? We are friends Rey," he placed a hand on her shoulder.

She smiled warmly, "thank you."

There was a moment of silence before Ben talked again, "Rey I need to tell you something, I was going to before but I never got the chance to."

"Okay you could tell me."

"Rey I -"

Poe and Finn soon came running in with a box. Ben shot them a death glare while Rey laughed.

"We got you donuts!"

"Yeah you're favorite!"

They handed her a box filled with her favorite donut flavors.

"Thank you guys!"

They hugged her and Rey opened the box, eating one the donuts.

Then the trio started talking and laughing once again.

Rey turned to him, "what were you going to tell me?"

"Nothing," Ben shook his head before heading out.


"Ben what's wrong?"

"Nothing mother..."

"Ben you could tell me -"

Before she could continue Han interrupts her, "he's just sad cause that Rey girl isn't dating him yet and that he's convinced she likes either Finn or Poe. Mr. Emo child here was going to confess but then they ruined it. Now he is swimming in a pool of his blackened eyeliner tears," Han winks before walked out of the room.


"Sorry but it's the truth! I would now, it was in his diary," he laughs before heading off to get something to eat.

Ben growls and puts his head on the table.

"So the problem is with Rey right?"

He reluctantly nods.

"Ben I suggest you wait, help her while she's recovering but don't make a sudden move. She's just getting out of the hospital."

Ben nods and slightly smiles.

"I believe she's leaving tomorrow morning officially," Leia gives him a warm smile.

"Okay, I'll be the first to be there." He smiles back to his mother then starts to head to his room.

"One more thing Ben -"

He turns around.

"Finn and Poe are gay."

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