Chapter 7

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"Okay class the project will be due in 2 weeks! I will be checking around to see your progress."

The small teacher made her way around the classroom, discussing projects with students. She finally made her way to Kylo and Rey.

"So how is your project going?"


"Well we built the model but still have to paint it. We are doing it today and the paper needs to go started but we have notes.

Rey lifts up several sheets of paper.

"Good job you two. I'm excited to see what the final result will be. Solo hopefully this girl will turn you around."

Maz then walked away, back to the front of the class.

"I checked with all of you, most of you are on a good path but some will need some guidance. You all have the rest of the class to work on the project. I'm here if you need any help.

Rey turned to Kylo, "Hey Kylo I was wondering, since are project is basically done, maybe we could hang out today instead of painting the ship?"

Kylo was surprised, he never would've expected those words to ever come out of her mouth.

"Yeah sure. That sounds great. We could just paint the ship tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Pick me up after school?"

"Yeah," Rey looked at him and noticed his ears have turned red.

It was cute.

She blushed and turned back to the front.

"Class dismissed! I hope you all good luck on the project! Remember half your grade!"

Ren and Rey dashed out of class for the same reason: they had forgotten to check the audition list yesterday.

"Hey Ren where are you going?"

"To check the audition list. How about you?"

"Same. We could go together?"


The two made their way towards the bulletin board.

Rey scanned her eyes over the list until she landed on her name:

Juliet Capulet: Rey Kenobi

She got it! She got the part!


Ren looked at the board with anticipation. He found his name:

Romeo Montague: Ben Solo

Then he looked at who was playing Juliet, it was Rey.




They turned to face each other in surprise.

"Your Romeo?"

"Your Juliet?"

"Yeah!" They both said at the same time.

Then it dawned on Rey

They were going to play each others love interest



Lunch breezed by, and surprisingly so did school.

Poe and Finn wouldn't leave her alone about the part she got in the play. She was to be the Juliet to Kylo's Romeo. The idea of that disgusted them.

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