Chapter 15

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Authors Note: haha Sith Happens in this chapter! (See what I did there?) Anyways some point in the chapter the song Young God by Hasley is mentioned. So listen to it while reading for max feels.

"Poe you idiot!"

Rey ran into the hospital room full of concern. Poe had gotten into a bike accident and Finn had called her over to come.

"I can't believe you did this!"

"It's okay Rey, it's just a couple bruised ribs."

"A couple bruised ribs!"

"Yeah." Poe shrugged.

"I don't know how to deal with you, I swear."

"Aw we all know you love me."

"Shut up Poe! I can't believe you were so reckless! Stop getting yourself into stupid shit."

"I'm fine Rey, like I said, no big deal."

"Poe —" Rey groaned as she walked out of the room. When she walked out she saw Ben leaning on the wall.

"Oh Ben, what are you doing here?"

"Poe is kind of my friend and you seemed concerned. I came to see if everything was alright."

"Thank you —" Rey breathed, hugging him. "Poe just was being an idiot."

"What happened?"

"Bike accident and he has a couple of bruised ribs."

"Oh I hope he's alright."

"He's going to be fine, he apparently doesn't care at all."

"Well that's Poe for you."

"Yeah," Rey laughed.

"Well I'm going to go check on him."

"Okay, I wait for you out here?"

"Yeah." Ben smiled before walking inside the room.


"Ah Ben! My man, I just want to tell you, you're welcome!"

"Poe what the hell are you talking about?"

"I did this for you man."

"Poe are you still under those pain killer drugs?"

"No Ben! Listen to me, I got myself into shit so you and Rey could you know —" Poe smiled proudly.

"Well you're dumb ass stunt interrupted something!"

"Oh I'm sorry, but don't worry something will happen today."

"Poe are you sure you're not still on the drugs?"

"No! Okay? Just trust me!" Poe winked before Ben walked out, muttering curses under his breath.


"Hey guys?"

"Yeah Finn?"

"Well the four of us were supposed to go to dinner together. But Poe's still in here and I want to stay with him. You guys go ahead, have fun."

"Okay — bye Finn!" Rey smiled awkwardly and waved as the two of them walked out of the hospital.

"Well should we be going?" Ben extended his hand for her to take, Rey took it and smiled.


They arrived at the restaurant and explained the situation. For some reason they were shown a two seat table and the person kept insisting the reservation was for two. Ben knew this was all cause of Poe.

"Uh well, let's just sit." Rey awkwardly sat across from him.

"Uh yeah."

For a couple of minutes it was awkward silence. Before Rey spoke up.

"So what do you think about twenty øne piløts and Panic! At the disco?"

"I see you saw the posters?"

"Yeah! I've been loving Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At the disco and anything Hasley!"

"Oh really?"


After a couple of hours filled with laughter and conversation the two decided to leave. It was getting dark out and Ben suggested they take a walk.


Rey handed him the left earbud.

"What's this for?"

"I want to show you Young God."

She shrugged, smiling at him. Ben smirked as he placed the earbud in his ear. He smiled goofily as the song played softly in his ears. The two were silent, listening to the song and looking into each other's eyes.

The song soon ended and they pulled out their earbuds, smiling.

"So you liked it?"

"Yeah it was good!"

"Yay!" Rey's eyes shined.

"For some reason it reminds me of something."

"Really? What?"


Before Rey could say anything he kissed her softly.

"I've been wanting to do this for a while." He mumbled against her lips as he leaned in to kiss her again.


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