Chapter 16

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Rey was shocked at first but kissed back. For that moment it seemed as if they were the only two people in the world.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Rey knew people would probably be watching but she didn't care.

After a couple of moments they pulled away. Their foreheads rested on each other's. Rey smirked at him, blushing. Her eyes twinkled and for some time they just stared in each other's eyes.

"Should we get going?"

"Yeah." Rey breathed as she took his hand in hers.

They made their way to his car still holding hands. Ben smiled at her as they sat down.

The car ride was quiet. The two didn't feel like talking at the moment, they were still processing what happened.

"We are here."

Rey looked at Ben and smiled.

"Thank you." She said simply before kissing him on the cheek.

He watched her walk inside and as soon as the door closed behind her, he smiled and touch his cheek.


The next day Ben woke up with a smile across his face.

Unfortunately his parents took notice.

"So anything happen with Rey?" Han wiggled his eyebrows teasingly.

"Nothing you should know about."

"So you screwed?"


"Aw Ben! My little emo child, all grown up!"


"I can't believe it! Benny has a girlfriend!"


"That's so cute! Aw it's Reylo!"


"Okay okay I'll stop." Han laughed before walking away. His mom walked into the kitchen smiling.

"So Ben do you have something to tell me?"

"I went on a date with Rey last night." Ben bit his lip to keep him from smiling.

"Good for you Ben." Leia smiled before turning around to wash the dishes.

He stood up and took his book bag. "Goodbye mom."

"Bye Ben!"

She waved as he walked out the door.


Ben waited outside of the school for a couple minutes until Rey showed up. She waved and smiled at him, behind her was Finn and Poe.

"Hey Ben!"

"Hey Rey."

Rey stood next to him and took his hand in hers. He blushed and hoped no one had noticed.

"So did you guys do anything interesting?" Poe asked, looking specifically at Ben.

"We just ate dinner together that's all." Rey shrugged.

"Are you sure? No kissing? No making out? No nothing?"

Ben and Rey looked at each other then back at Poe and Finn. "We prefer to keep it classified." Ben smirked as Rey tightened the grip on his hand.

"Yeah right, not believing you suckers."

Poe gave them a look before heading off to class with Finn.


"Class today we have a new student! His name is James."

Rey looked ahead to see who it was. He was attractive she had to admit but was definitely not Ben. James had short medium brown hair and bright hazel green eyes.

"James go by Mr. Solo and Ms. Kenobi." Mr. Windu pointed towards where they were sitting.

"Hey." James said as he sat down next to Rey. He smiled at her and Rey smiled back.

"Hi I'm Rey Kenobi. Welcome to the school."

"I'm James Walker."

He extended his hand out for her to take. Rey shook it.

"Nice to meet you."

For the rest of the period James talked to Rey. Once the bell rang Ben practically ran out of the classroom, not bothering to see if Rey was behind him.

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