Chapter 19

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The next day Rey shuffled to class her feet dragging against the ground. Her walk of shame was stopped by a worried Leia.

"Finn told me you're quitting. Why?"

"You mean the play?"


"I can't do this anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to kiss your son or act as his lover. Call up another girl, they'd be glad to be sucking faces with your son."

"What really happened."

Rey sniffled. "We broke up. I want nothing to do with him." She hissed before walking off.

Leia looked at her sadly as she walked away. "I'll call up the understudy."

Rey froze for a moment. "You know what?" She turned around. "I'll do it." Rey wasn't going to let her hard work go to waste because of Ben.

Leia smiled. "Thank you."

Rey nodded before heading off to class. James waved at her. "Hey Rey!" She smiled before sitting in the seat next to him. "Hey."

She kept her focus on the board and on James for the whole class period. Ben was sitting to her left and she didn't want to face him.

"Whoever is in the play please make your way down to the auditorium."

Rey glanced at Ben and at a few others as they stood up and left class.

"I thought you weren't doing it anymore?"

She turned to face Finn. "I'm still doing it because I've worked hard and I don't want to let people down."

He nodded. "Good for you Rey!"

Rey smiled as they walked to the wide auditorium doors.

"As you know the play is coming soon." Leia clasped her hands together. "And we are going to do a full rehearsal of the play. Everyone get ready!"


Rey reluctantly made her way up the balcony and glanced at Ben as he climbed up. She rolled her eyes before saying her lines.

He looked up to face her and caressed her cheek. She looked at him and sighed, leaning in. Rey decided to stage kiss him, for she was still mad.

She pulled away from him and looked down. The rest of the rehearsal went by in a blur.

After rehearsal it was lunch and Rey met up with Finn and Poe.

"So you kissed him?"

"Not really, stage kiss. I don't want to kiss that jerk."

Poe laughed. "Sure you don't."

"I don't!"

"Uh huh." Finn shook his head laughing. "I see you Rey."


Poe and Finn snickered as she crossed her arms angrily across her chest.

Authors Note: I'm so sorry for not updating I've been having writers block for this book. I'm sorry if this chapter isn't that long, I'll try to make the next chapter longer. Thank you all for sticking with this book <3

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