Chapter 17

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During lunch Ben wasn't there and Rey was getting worried.

"Finn, Poe, where's Ben?"

Finn shrugged. "I saw him leave class early and walk off some where."

Rey's eyes widened before she ran out of the cafeteria. "Ben! Ben!" She yelled out into the mostly empty hallways.

"Ben!" She gasped out as she wandered into the nearly empty library. He sat on a desk next to a girl. She was extremely pretty and Rey felt a pang of jealously. The girl was skinny and tall with long blonde hair and brown eyes. Her nose was littered with freckles and she had dimples when she smiled.

The two of them were currently talking and laughing. Rey watched as the girl took his hand in hers.

"Ben?" She turned to face him, he wore a look of shock on his face.

"Are you —"

"Rey I wasn't! I —"

"Save it Ben!"

"Why can't you believe me Rey?"

"Well this girl of yours was obviously trying something! Goodbye Ben!" Rey stalked away.



"Why are you mad at me when you were with James all class! It seems to me like you like him! Why don't you go to him instead Rey? Maybe I shouldn't have kissed you!"

Rey's eyes widened and her eyes swelled with tears.

"Ben I don't like him like that! The only person I love is you!" The held back tears dripped down her face. He opened his mouth to respond but before he could she stormed away.

"What a bitch." The girl mumbled.

"Leave her alone." Ben murmured before slowly walking away.


"Can you pick me up?"

"What's wrong Rey?"

"I don't feel well." Rey paused as the tears came. "Please."

"I'll be there."

"Thank you grandfather."

She slowly moved the phone away from her ear. After placing it on the table she burst into tears once again.

Authors Note: I'm sorry that this chapter was so short. I'll make the next one longer! By the way I'm currently writing a reylo spy AU, it's not published yet but I wrote out the first couple chapters. That'll be published once I finish at least one book. I'm sorry that I haven't updated!

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