Chapter 5

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Rey woke up to the sound of pounding at her door. "Coming!" She pried herself away from her bed and headed towards the door. Waiting outside were Finn and his friend Poe.

"Hey guys! What are you doing here?"

"We came to give you a ride!"

"Oh okay thanks. I'll be ready in a second."

"Okay. Hurry up!"

In about 5 minutes or less Rey quickly pulled on a tee shirt followed by beige pants and her favorite jacket. She grabbed her bag before heading back to Finn and Poe.


"Let's go."

The trio made their way towards Finns car. His car was shiny white and generic. Whenever he was asked why he had the same car as some dark siders he would just say it was an accident on his part. She didn't believe him.

"So Rey," Poe asked as they made their way into the car, "how was it working with emo Ren?"

"Not bad actually."

"Really? Him and that nerd kid Huxley are a pain in the ass. Sure they get detentions and all but they should've got expelled a while ago. They just suck up to our stupid principal Snoke. He's no good either. I suggest staying out of their way, if they get you in trouble with him? Well you're dead!"

"Oh I didn't know, but I have to work with Kylo! Ms.Katana assigned us to work together for this ship project!"

"Oh yeah! Well good luck to ya!"

Soon the car arrived at the school. Rey quickly got out of the car followed by Finn and Poe.

"Rey what do you have first?"

"Biology with Mr.Windu."

"Oh we have that class too!"

"Hopefully Ren doesn't have that class..." She muttered under her breath.


He did.

Ren was in that class, along with that kid Huxley,Poe warned her about it.


Just Great.

"Welcome class to biology! You all know your lab partners so please go sit next to them if you aren't already."

Rey stood up and raised her hand.

"Mr.Windu? I'm new so this is my first biology class."

"Oh what's your name?"

"Rey Kenobi."

"Come to the front."

Rey walked forward and stood next to him.

"Class this is a new addition to our class! Rey Kenobi!"

A few muttered "hellos" echoed through the classroom. Rey stood there awkwardly.

"Well Rey I'm just going to hand back these papers and then I'll give you your partner."

"Okay Mr.Windu."

The teacher made his way across the room, handing out papers, and making remarks.

"Ben Solo, Huxley. Not very impressed. Not impressed at all."

He placed the papers onto their desks.

A big red F was written on both of them. He gave them a disapproving stare before heading back to the front.

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