Chapter 20

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Soon opening night came and Rey was nervous. She sighed as her costume got laced up. Her eyes met her own in the long mirror.

"You look gorgeous. I believe you'll do great."

"Thank you." Rey managed a small smile as the last of her makeup got applied.

"Show starting in 5!"

She took another long breath before stepping on stage.


His eyes scanned over the large crowd sitting in the auditorium. He tried not to be nervous. It failed.

Ben tried to pretend that no one was watching him but it was hard when all eyes were trained on him about to kiss Rey.

Which made things more complicated. His eyes bore into hers.

Do you want me to do this?

Let's just get this over with.

He leaned in and met her lips in the center. All his mixed up and messed up emotions combined into this one kiss.

Ben wished it could last for another moment but soon they had to pull away. He caught eyes with Rey once again, her eyes widened.


The play ended and the curtains went down with roaring applause.

"You did great Rey!"

"Thanks!" She threw her arms around both Poe and Finn. They handed her a rose bouquet.

"How was kissing Ben?"

Rey shrugged. "Not that bad I mean —"

Ben came into view, catching eyes with Rey once again.

"We should get going."

"Yeah. Well we'll see you later Rey!"

"See ya!" She sighed as Ben stepped closer. He took her hand, kissing it.

"You did great, my dear Juliet."

"Same goes for you Romeo."

An awkward silence came between them.

"Well Rey I've wanted to say, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too." She looked down at her hands.

"Will you give me another chance."

Rey smiled up at him. "That could work."

Ben's lips curved into a grin and he kissed Rey, twirling her around, making her drop the bouquet in the process.

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