Chapter 3

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It was finally lunch!

Rey wanted to scream out in happiness from the obvious relief. Now she would see her friend Finn once again and hopefully be away from Kylo.

Walking into the caferteria, she spotted him.

"Finn!" She yelled waving her hands back and forth.

He spotted her and headed towards Rey, followed by a boy.

The boy wore a varsity jacket, had curly brown wild hair, and was smiling.

"Rey! Hey! How's it been?"

"Eh could've been better."


"I got Ren as my partner for this huge start of the year project. One day at school and he already knows my home life, and pisses me off."

"He knows about that?"

"Yup calls me scavenger."

Rey made a sound of obvious disgust.

"I'm so sorry Rey but I want you to meet someone. His name is Poe Dameron, he's on the light side as well and is part of the resistance."

"Oh cool. Nice to meet you Poe."

Rey extended her hand towards him and he shook it.

"Pleasures mine Kenobi."

Rey blushed. (A/N: oh no...)

"Guys come on, let's sit."

Finn led them to the table and lunch flew by quickly.


Reluctantly Rey shuffled to her next class. It was Drama.

She made her way to a seat in the huge classroom. The front of the room was a huge open space, probably there for performing while the seats were in clumps of two and three in the back of the class. It was set up like a stage and audience.

She decided to sit in a seat in the middle row. Hopefully either Finn or Poe would be in this class, she didn't know because she forgot to ask.

Soon students piled in and sat together in their friend groups. Rey crossed her fingers for her friends to walk through the door. They did but so did Kylo.

"Rey!" Finn and Poe both yelled her name at the same time and headed towards her, luckily she sat in a row of three. Kylo shot her a look of both annoyance and disgust and settled in a seat in the back.

Rey returned the look and rolled her eyes. This stupid dark side kid thinks he could intimidate her, ha thats funny.

"Hello class I'm Ms.Organa and I'm going to be your drama teacher for the year!"

Rey looks up to see who the teacher is: it's Leia the woman she met this morning.

"I thought she was vice principal?"

"Yeah...well she is but she doesn't have a huge role in the school except for us light siders. So she was made drama teacher."

"Oh thanks for telling me Finn."

She turned back to the front of the class.

"So to start off I have an announcement!"

She smiled while most of the class groaned. Personally Rey was excited.

"We are having a school play! So if you are interested there will be fliers in the front."

Ms.Organa held up a stack of fliers as she talked.

"The play we are doing is Romeo & Juliet! For the first couple of class we will be working on this play and the ones who are really interested I will talk to privately."

She continued on while Kylo shot Rey another dirty look.

Surprisingly the class went by fast excluding Kylo. It was basically a lot of announcements, Kylo been a jerk, and going over what will be taught this year. Once the bell went off Rey grabbed a flier from the front and left.

Though out of the corner of her eye she saw Ren pick one up too. Maybe she's just seeing things, maybe.

After that the day went by fast. Classes become blurs and so did faces.

When school ended she reached for her phone.

R: Hey Ren it's me Rey. What day should we work on the project?

K: On Thursday. I'm free then

R: K

She put her phone down and walked out of school.

"Hey Rey!"

It was Finn again with Poe.

"Hey Finn!"

"Rey want a ride home? Poes hanging at my place and maybe you could join us?"

"Yeah that'd be cool."

She soon follows them to Finns car. A great end to a hectic day.

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