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"Hey." Harry said walking through the door. he locked it back and made sure it was locked.


"What did I miss?" Harry asked smiling.

I didn't say anything. what was I suppose to? 'you're best mate almost raped me.' I just kept it a secret.

"Now you're not talking to me. what did I do?" Harry asked frowning his eyebrows.

"Nothing, I'm just starving."

"I forgot, humans eat." Harry said slapping his forehead.

"Yeah, that's pretty important you know."

Within the blink if an eye, Harry had a tray of food in his hand.

"Yummy yummy, feed that tummy." Harry sang.

I threw my head back in laughter and grabbed a sandwich from the tray.

After I had finished eating Liam called my into his room.

Aly was lying on the bed tied to each bed pole.

"What's going on Liam?"

"I'm turning Aly today, she's tied up to stop her from hurting anyone or herself. I just thought you'd want to be here." Liam said sympathetically.

"Just letting you know I'm not okay with this, but since it's her decision, I'm allowing it."

"Great to know, can you call the boys in?" Liam asked walking over to Aly.

She was out cold. she was still wearing what she wore when we were taken. we haven't showered yet.

I called the other boys in and yet watched in suspense as Liam slowly strolled over to Aly.

"Sorry baby." Liam mumbled.

With that, he tilted her head to the side and slowly ducked his head in the crook of her neck.

I held on to Harry for dear life when Liam's fangs sank into Aly.

She screamed bloody murder as the venom sank into her system. she was squirming when Liam pulled away.

"Now the hard part is watching her go through this." Liam said.

"How long does it last?"

"At least 2 weeks." Harry answered.


Aly suddenly fell asleep.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, this is the process, she'll wake up every half an hour screaming and then fall asleep again." Niall said.

Great. Now I have to spend my time with these vampires instead of my best friend. what could possibly go wrong?


I woke up to the sound of running water and sat up confused as hell.

What happened?

Oh yeah, Aly was turned and I fell asleep with Harry, in his room.

It was really clean, it had pale blue walls and a king sized bed with silk sheets. he sure knows how to treat a lady.

"Morning beautiful." Harry said coming out of the bathroom with a pink towel around his waist. sweet baby Jesus.


"Like what you see?" Harry asked smiling.

"Yes, can I see Aly?"

"Sure." Harry answered smiling.

"Zayn!" I yelled.

Zayn rushed in.

"Yeah?" Zayn said panting.

"Can you take me to see Aly?"

Zayn walked me down the long hallway and in front of a strange new door.

He guided me into the room. it was purple all over. I looked like a teenagers dream castle.

"When was this here?"

"It doesn't take long for us to decorate yazzie." Zayn said crossing his arms.

I saw Aly lying down on a huge bed covered in rose petals.

"Liam left those for her, for comfort." Zayn said.

A smile spread across my face when I heard that.

"I'd do more for you." Zayn said taking my hand and entwining our fingers.

"Zayn I-"

I was interrupted by Zayn's arms wrapping around my waist. he wasn't kissing me. He was hugging me.

It was cold but filled with something I had never felt coming from him.


The Street Light {vampire fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now